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Creating a News Feed item

News Feed items allow you to insert permanent content directly into your app from our web dashboard. Better yet, the News Feed also is targetable to individual segments just like all of our other message types. This means what you see in the feed might be completely different from another individual. The possibilities for the news-feed are nearly limitless.

Check out our case studies, use cases, and best practices to see examples and helpful tips for News Feeds.

Step 1: Click create card

First, you must choose the type of News Feed item you want to send down to your users. From the dropdown menu, you can select any of our four News Feed card types.

The Create Card button on the Braze dashboard. The expanded dropdown options to create a card: Classic, Captioned Image, and Banner.

News Feed card specifications

News Feed cards

A Classic Card Preview with the Facebook icon, a header that reads "Like us on Facebook!" with two lines of text: "Click Here!" and "".

Standard News Feed cards consist of:

  • 110x110 image
  • Title
  • Body Text
  • Link (In-App/Web)

Captioned image cards

A Captioned Image Card Preview with an image of an apple pie and apples. There is a header under the picture that reads "Holiday Sale! Save Almost 50 Dollars Off!" with the following text: "For a limited time only, get four premium apple pies for the price of 3. Hurry! This deal won't last. Click here to redeem.".

Captioned Image cards consist of:

  • 600x450 image
  • Title
  • Body Text
  • Link (In-App/Web)

A Banner Card Preview with an image that reads "This is a banner".

Banner cards consist of:

  • 600x100 image
  • Link (In-App/Web)

Image guidelines

Card type Aspect Ratio Recommended Image Size Maximum Image Size File Types
Classic 1:1 (110 pixels wide minimum) 500 KB 1 MB PNG, JPEG, GIF
Captioned image 4:3 (600 pixels wide minimum) 500 KB 1 MB PNG, JPEG, GIF
Banner 6:1 (600 pixels wide minimum) 500 KB 1 MB PNG, JPEG, GIF
  • PNG files are recommended.
  • A custom image loading library is required to display GIFs on Android. We recommend Glide.
  • Smaller, high-quality images will load faster, so it’s recommended to use the smallest asset possible to achieve your desired output.

Time to compose your News Feed card! Create a title and summary for your card and upload an image to go alongside it. You can also set link behavior on this page. This link can be a standard link or a deep link to in-app content.

News Feed item editor that shows the Card Name, card preview, and customization details for language.

Step 3: Select a schedule

Under the News Feed Card editor, you will find options for when to publish this item. You can choose to publish it immediately after creation or set a time in the future to publish it. You can also choose to deliver the News Feed card at a particular time in your users’ local time by selecting the Publish to Users in their Local Time Zone checkbox.

Step 4: Select a segment

You can configure your News Feed Card to target any segment you’ve defined within the dashboard at any schedule you desire. Select your target segment by clicking on the dropdown menu. Here, you can see high-level statistics, including email availability and lifetime value per user.

Step 5: Review details and publish

Next, you will be taken to a page that displays all of the details about your card (and companion in-app message, if applicable). You can review any of the details about these items and edit them if you need to by clicking the pencil icon in any of the headers.

That’s it! You’re done! You’ve published your first news-feed card!

Multichannel campaigns often lead to better overall conversion and engagement rates, so Braze has made it easy to link an in-app message to a specific News Feed card.

After launching a News Feed card, a button will appear in the new feed statistics page allowing you to “create an associated in-app message.” Clicking on this will take you to the campaign composer for a new in-app message campaign. While you would input the copy, look, and feel of the in-app message, Braze automatically copies the delivery and targeting rules of the associated News Feed card to make sure the campaigns launch together.

Organizing your News Feed

You can re-order your cards within the News Feed page.

  • Cards in the feed are ordered first by whether or not they have been seen by the user, unseen items are at the top of the feed.
    • A card is considered read if it has received an impression in the feed.
    • Impressions are only counted if the card is viewable in the feed (that is, if a user does not scroll down to read a card, an impression is not counted).
  • Cards are then ordered by the date and time of creation, where more recent items are first.
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