Retail & eCommerce

Personalize every experience for every shopper

  • Etsy
  • Overstock
  • Depop
  • 1-800 Flowers
  • pressed
  • Grover

Drive more revenue with cross-channel experiences based on live customer data

Comprehensive Journey Management

Real-Time Data

Powerful Personalization

Overstock used Braze to automate personalized messaging throughout the customer lifecycle, resulting in conversion rates 3X higher than the industry average.
See Overstock's Story

Launch cohesive, frictionless experiences that update shoppers in real-time

Curated Offers

Proactive Campaigns

Cross-Channel Journey Orchestration

BEES leveraged cross-channel messages personalized to communicate delivery data in real-time, reducing customer issues by 15%.
See BEES's Story

The State of Customer Engagement in Retail and eCommerce


Of retail brands have moved beyond vanity metrics like opens and clicks to assess the impact of their programs on downstream KPIs like retention and revenue


Of retail and eCommerce brands sync across teams at least weekly, the highest of any industry


Of retailers cite difficulties showing creativity's ROI impact as a top obstacle

How customer engagement impacts retail & ecommerce


Lift in 90-day retention for brands who use multiple channels in tandem

Use real-time, customer-generated data to build granular audiences, identify individual preferences, and generate predictive insights that increase engagement.

Unlike list-based solutions, Braze enables markets to capture, update, and take action on customer preferences, behaviors, and predictive analytics in the moment, without latency.


Higher customer lifetime value when brands send cross-channel messaging campaigns

Launch cohesive, interconnected experiences that engage shoppers across both owned and social channels.

Unlike email or SMS point solutions, Braze enables marketers to take a true-cross channel approach by seamlessly blending out-of-product and in-product messaging channels. We were named a Leader in cross-channel campaign management by Forrester.


Of retail and eCommerce brands will increase marketing budgets in 2022

Tap into intuitive tools to pair every shopper with the contextually relevant offers, products, and updates they need to drive revenue.

With personalized journey branching, Braze gives marketers the ability to send users down dynamic journey paths based on their unique attributes and actions.