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Braze Learning courseCustom attributes

Custom attributes are a collection of your users’ unique traits. Custom attributes are best for storing attributes about your users, or information about low-value actions within your application.

When stored in Braze, these characteristics can be used to build out audience segments and personalize messaging using Liquid. You should keep in mind that we don’t store time-series information for custom attributes, so you won’t be able to get any graphs based upon them like you can for custom events.

Managing custom attributes

To create and manage custom attributes in the dashboard, go to Data Settings > Custom Attributes.

From this page, you can view, manage, create, or blocklist existing custom attributes. Select the menu next to a custom attribute for the following actions:


Custom attributes can be blocklisted individually via the actions menu, or up to 10 attributes can be selected and blocklisted in bulk. If you block a custom attribute, no data will be collected regarding that attribute, existing data will be unavailable unless reactivated, and blocklisted attributes will not show up in filters or graphs. In addition, if the attribute is currently being referenced by filters or triggers in other areas of the Braze dashboard, a warning modal will appear explaining that all instances of the filters or triggers that reference it will be removed and archived.

Marking as PII

Admins can also create custom attributes and mark them as PII from this page. These attributes will only be visible to admins and dashboard users with the “View Custom Attributes Marked as PII” permission.

Adding descriptions

You can add a description to a custom attribute after it’s created if you have the Manage Events, Attributes, Purchases user permission. Edit the custom attribute and input whatever you like, such as a note for your team.

Adding tags

You can add tags to a custom attribute after it’s created if you have the “Manage Events, Attributes, Purchases” user permission. The tags can then be used to filter the list of attributes.

Removing custom attributes

There are two ways you can remove custom attributes from user profiles:

Viewing usage reports

The usage report lists all the Canvases, campaigns, and segments using a specific custom attribute. This list does not include uses of Liquid.

You can view up to 10 usage reports at a time by selecting the checkboxes next to the respective custom attributes and then selecting View usage report.

Exporting data

To export the list of custom attributes as a CSV file, select Export all at the top of the page. The CSV file will be generated, and a download link will be emailed to you.

Setting custom attributes

The following lists methods across various platforms that are used to set custom attributes.

Expand for documentation by platform

Custom attribute storage

All data stored on the User Profile, including custom attribute data, is retained indefinitely as long as each profile is active.

Custom attribute data types

Custom attributes are extraordinarily flexible tools that allow for great targeting.

The following data types may be stored as custom attributes:

Booleans (true/false)

Boolean attributes are useful for storing simple binary data about your users, like subscription statuses. You can find users that explicitly have a variable set to a true or false value, in addition to those that don’t have any record of that attribute recorded yet.

Segmentation options Dropdown filter Input options Examples
Check if the boolean value is either true, false, true or not set, or false or not set IS TRUE, FALSE, TRUE OR NOT SET, or FALSE OR NOT SET If this filter specifies coffee_drinker, a user will match this filter in the following circumstances:
  • If this filter is true and the user has the value coffee_drinker
  • If this filter is false and the user doesn't have the value coffee_drinker
  • If this filter is true or not set and the user has the value coffee_drinker or no value
  • If this filter is false or not set and the user doesn't have coffee_drinker or any value
Check if the boolean value exists on a user’s profile and is not null IS NOT BLANK N/A If this filter specifies coffee_drinker and a user has a value for the attribute coffee_drinker, the user will match this filter.
Check if the boolean value does not exist on a user’s profile or is null IS BLANK N/A If this filter specifies coffee_drinkerand a user either doesn’t have the attribute coffee_drinker or the value for coffee_drinker is null, the user will match this filter.


Numeric attributes include integers and floats, and have a wide variety of use-cases. Incrementing number custom attributes are useful for storing the number of times a given action or event has occurred without counting against your data cap. Standard numbers have all sorts of usages, such as recording:

  • Shoe size
  • Waist size
  • Number of times a user has viewed a certain product feature, or category
Segmentation options Dropdown filter Input options Examples
Check if the numeric attribute is exactly a number EXACTLY NUMBER If this filter specifies 10 and a user profile has the value 10, the user will match this filter.
Check if the numeric attribute does not equal a number DOES NOT EQUAL NUMBER If this filter specifies 10 and a user profile doesn’t have the value 10, the user will match this filter.
Check if the numeric attribute is more than a number MORE THAN NUMBER If this filter specifies 10 and a user profile has a value greater than 10, the user will match this filter.
Check if the numeric attribute is less than a number LESS THAN NUMBER If this filter specifies 10 and a user profile has a value lesser than 10, the user will match this filter.
Check if the numeric attribute exists on a user’s profile and is not null IS NOT BLANK N/A If a user profile contains the specified numeric attribute, regardless of value, the user will match this filter.
Check if the numeric attribute does not exist on a user’s profile or is null IS BLANK N/A If a user profile doesn’t contain the specified numeric attribute or the attribute’s value is null, the user will match this filter.

Number attribute details

  • “Exactly 0” and “Less Than” filters include users with NULL fields
    • To exclude users without a value for custom attributes, you need to include the is not blank filter.

Strings (alphanumeric characters)

String attributes are useful for storing user input, such as a favorite brand, a phone number, or a last search string within your application. String attributes can be up to 255 characters long.

Note that if you input any values with spaces in between, before, or after words, then Braze will also check for the same spaces.

Segmentation options Dropdown filter Input options Examples
Check if the string attribute exactly matches an inputted string EQUALS STRING
Case sensitive
If this filter specifies book and a user profile has a string attribute for last_item_purchased that contains book, the user will match this filter.
Check if the string attribute partially matches an inputted string OR Regular Expression MATCHES REGEX STRING OR REGULAR EXPRESSION
Not case sensitive; maximum of 32,764 characters
Check if the string attribute does not partially match an inputted string OR Regular Expression DOES NOT MATCH REGEX * STRING OR REGULAR EXPRESSION
Not case sensitive; maximum of 32,764 characters
Check if the string attribute does not match an inputted string DOES NOT EQUAL STRING
Not case sensitive
If this filter specifies book and a user profile has a string attribute for last_item_purchased that doesn’t contain book, the user will match this filter.
Check if the string attribute exists on a user’s profile and is not an empty string IS NOT BLANK N/A If this filter specifies favorite_genre and a user profile has the attribute favorite_genre, the user will match this filter regardless of their attribute value. For example, the user can have sci-fi, romance, or another value.
Check if the string attribute does not exist on a user’s profile BLANK N/A If this filter specifies favorite_genre and a user profile doesn’t have the attribute favorite_genre, the user will match this filter.
Check if the string exactly matches any of the inputted strings IS ANY OF STRING
Case sensitive; multiple strings allowed (256 maximum)
If this filter specifies book, bookmark, and reading light, and a user profile has at least one of those strings, the user will match this filter.
Check if the string attribute does not exactly match any of the inputted strings IS NONE OF STRING
Case sensitive; multiple strings allowed (256 maximum)
If this filter specifies book, bookmark, and reading light, and a user profile doesn’t contain any of those strings, the user will match the filter.
Check if the string attribute partially matches any of the inputted strings CONTAINS ANY OF STRING
Case sensitive; multiple strings allowed (256 maximum)
If this filter specifies gold and a user profile contains gold in any string, such as gold_tier or former_gold_tier, the user will match the filter.
Check if the string attribute does not partially match any of the inputted strings DOESN’T CONTAIN ANY OF STRING
Case sensitive; multiple strings allowed (256 maximum)
If this filter specifies gold and a user profile doesn’t contain gold in any string, the user will match this filter.


Array attributes are good for storing related lists of information about your users. For example, storing the last 100 pieces of content a user watched within an array would allow specific interest segmentation.

By default, the maximum length of an array for an attribute is set to 25, and can be increased to 100 for an individual array. For example, if you’re sending over an attribute such as “Movies Watched” and it is set to 100, when a user watches a 101th movie, the first movie will be removed from the array and the most recent movie will be added.

If you’d like this maximum increased, reach out to your customer success manager. Your dashboard administrator can then increase the maximum length for individual arrays to over 100 from the Custom Attributes tab of the Manage Settings page.

Note that If you input any values with spaces in between, before, or after words, then Braze will also check for the same spaces.

Segmentation options Dropdown filter Input options Examples
Check if the array attribute includes a value which exactly matches an inputted value INCLUDES VALUE STRING If this filter specifies sci-fi and a user profile has the value sci-fi, the user will match this filter.
Check if the array attribute does not include a value which exactly matches an inputted value DOESN’T INCLUDE VALUE STRING If this filter specifies sci-fi and a user profile doesn’t have the value sci-fi, the user will match this filter.
Check if the array attribute contains a value which partially matches an inputted value OR Regular Expression MATCHES REGEX STRING OR REGULAR EXPRESSION
Maximum of 32,764 characters
Check if the array attribute has any value or is not empty HAS A VALUE N/A If this filter specifies favorite_genres and a user profile contains favorite_genres with any value, the user will match this filter.
Check if the array attribute is empty or does not exist IS EMPTY N/A If this filter specifies favorite_genres and a user profile doesn’t contain favorite_genres or contains favorite_genres but has no values, the user will match this filter.
Check if the array attribute includes a value which exactly matches any of the inputted values INCLUDES ANY OF STRING
Case sensitive; multiple values allowed (256 maximum)
If this filter specifies sci-fi, fantasy, romance and a user profile has any combination of sci-fi, fantasy, or romance, including only one of them (such as only sci-fi). A user can have horror or another value in their string if they also have any of sci-fi, fantasy, and romance.
Check if the array attribute does not include a value which exactly match any of the inputted values INCLUDES NONE OF STRING
Case sensitive; multiple values allowed (256 maximum)
If this filter specifies sci-fi, fantasy, romance and a user profile doesn’t have any combination of sci-fi, fantasy, or romance, the user will match this filter. The user can have horror or another value if they don’t have any of sci-fi, fantasy, or romance.
Check if the array attribute contains a value which partially matches any of the inputted values VALUES CONTAIN ANY OF STRING
Case sensitive; multiple values allowed (256 maximum)
If this filter specifies gold and a user profile array contains gold in at least one string, the user will match this filter. This includes string values like gold_tier, former_gold_tier, and others.
Check if the array attribute does not include a value which partially match any of the inputted values VALUES DON’T CONTAIN ANY OF STRING
Case sensitive; multiple values allowed (256 maximum)
If this filter specifies gold and a user profile array doesn’t contain gold in any strings, the user will match this filter. This means users with string values like gold_tier and former_gold_tier won’t match this filter.
Check if the array attribute includes all of the inputted values IS ALL OF STRING
Case sensitive; multiple values allowed (256 maximum)
If this filter specifies sci-fi, fantasy, romance and a user profile has all of those values, the user will match this filter. The user can also have horror or other values and match this filter.
Check if the array attribute does not include all of the inputted values ISN’T ALL OF STRING
Case sensitive; multiple values allowed (256 maximum)
If this filter specifies sci-fi, fantasy, romance and a user profile doesn’t have all of those values, the user will match this filter.


Time attributes are useful for storing the last time a specific action was taken, so you can offer content specific re-engagement messaging to your users.

Time filters using relative dates (for example, more than 1 day ago, less than 2 days ago) measure 1 day as 24 hours. Any campaign that you run using these filters will include all users in 24-hour increments. For example, last used app more than 1 day ago will capture all users who “last used the app more than 24 hours” from the exact time the campaign runs. The same will be true for campaigns set with longer date ranges—so five days from activation will mean the prior 120 hours.

For example, to build a segment that targets users with a time attribute between 24 and 48 hours in the future, apply the filters in more than 1 day in the future and in less than 2 days in the future.

Segmentation options Dropdown filter Input options Examples
Check if the time attribute is before a selected date BEFORE CALENDAR DATE SELECTOR If this filter specifies 2024-01-31 and a user profile has a date before 2024-1-31, the user will match this filter.
Check if the time attribute is after a selected date AFTER CALENDAR DATE SELECTOR If this filter specifies 2024-01-31 and a user profile has a date after 2024-1-31, the user will match this filter.
Check if the time attribute is more than X number of days ago MORE THAN NUMBER OF DAYS AGO If this filter specifies 7 and a user profile has a date that is more than seven days ago, the user will match this filter.
Check if the time attribute is less than X number of days ago LESS THAN NUMBER OF DAYS AGO If this filter specifies 7 and a user profile has a date that is less than seven days ago, the user will match this filter.
Check if the time attribute is in more than X number of days in the future IN MORE THAN NUMBER OF DAYS IN FUTURE If this filter specifies 7 and a user profile has a date that is more than seven days in the future, the user will match this filter.
Check if the time attribute is less than X number of days in the future IN LESS THAN NUMBER OF DAYS IN FUTURE If this filter specifies 7 and a user profile has a date that is less than seven days in the future, the user will match this filter.
Check if the time attribute exists on a user’s profile and is not null IS NOT BLANK N/A If this filter specifies a time attribute that is on a user profile, the user will match this filter.
Check if the time attribute does not exist on a user’s profile or is null IS BLANK N/A If this filter specifies a time attribute that isn’t on a user profile, the user will match this filter.

Time attribute details

  • Day of Recurring Event
    • When using the “Day of Recurring Event” filter, and are then prompted to select the “Calendar Day of Recurring Event”, if you select IS LESS THAN or IS MORE THAN, the current date will be counted for that segmentation filter.
    • For example, if on March 10, 2020, you selected the date of the attribute to be LESS THAN ... March 10, 2020, attributes will be considered for the days up to, and including March 10, 2020.
  • Less than X Days Ago: The “Less than X Days Ago” filter includes dates between X days ago and the current date/time.
  • Less than X Days in the Future: Includes dates between the current date/time and X days in the future.


You can use nested custom attributes to send objects as a data type for custom attributes. For more information, refer to Nested custom attributes.

Arrays of objects

Use an array of objects to group related attributes. For more details, refer to our article on Array of objects.

Consolidated operators

We’ve consolidated the list of operators available to use in attribute filters, custom attribute filters, and nested custom attribute filters. If you have existing filters using these operators, they will be automatically updated to use the new operators.

Data type Old operator New operator Value
String equals is any of At least 1 value
String does not equal is none of At least 1 value
Array includes value includes any of At least 1 value
Array doesn’t include value includes none of At least 1 value

Purchase and revenue tracking

Using our purchase methods to record in-app purchases establishes the Lifetime Value (LTV) for each individual user profile. This data is viewable within our revenue page in time-series.

Segmentation options Dropdown filter Input options Examples
Check if the total number of dollars spent is greater than a number GREATER THAN NUMBER If this filter specifies 500 and a user profile has a value greater than 500, the user will match this filter.
Check if the total number of dollars spent is less than a number LESS THAN NUMBER If this filter specifies 500 and a user profile has a value less than 500, the user will match this filter.
Check if total number of dollars spent is exactly a number EXACTLY NUMBER If this filter specifies 500 and a user profile has the value 500, the user will match this filter.
Check if the purchase last occurred after X date AFTER TIME If this filter specifies 2024/31/1 and a user’s last purchase was after 2024/31/1, the user will match this filter.
Check if the purchase last occurred before X date BEFORE TIME If this filter specifies 2024/31/1 and a user’s last purchase was before 2024/31/1, the user will match this filter.
Check if the purchase last occurred more than X days ago MORE THAN TIME If this filter specifies 7 and a user’s last purchase was more than seven days ago from today, the user will match this filter.
Check if the purchase last occurred less than X days ago LESS THAN TIME If this filter specifies 7 and a user’s last purchase was less than seven days ago from today, the user will match this filter.
Check if the purchase occurred more than X (Max = 50) number of times MORE THAN in the past Y Days (Y = 1,3,7,14,21,30) If this filter specifies 7 times and 21 days, and a user made more than seven purchases in the past 21 days, the user will match this filter.
Check if the purchase occurred less than X (Max = 50) number of times LESS THAN in the past Y Days (Y = 1,3,7,14,21,30) If this filter specifies 7 times and 21 days, and a user made less than seven purchases in the past 21 days, the user will match this filter.
Check if the purchase occurred exactly X (Max = 50) number of times EXACTLY in the past Y Days (Y = 1,3,7,14,21,30) If this filter specifies 7 times and 21 days, and a user made seven purchases in the past 21 days, the user will match this filter.

You can change the data type of your custom attribute, but you should be aware of the impacts of changing data types.

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