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Brand guidelines for AI copywriting assistant

Create and apply brand guidelines to tailor the style of the copy generated by the AI copywriting assistant to your brand and voice.

Creating brand guidelines

To create new brand guidelines for use in the AI Copywriting Assistant, follow these steps:

  1. Open the AI copywriting assistant.
  2. Select Apply brand guideline and then select Create a brand guideline.
  3. Enter a name for this guideline. It will serve as the label you see in the previous selection.
  4. For When will you use these brand guidelines?, describe the context or type of marketing in which you will use this guideline.
  5. For Brand personality, describe the personality of your brand, such as any traits, values, voice, and archetype.
  6. (Optional) For Exclusions, add any language or style that should be avoided in generated content. For example, you can exclude “sarcasm”, “negative attitudes”, “condescending”, and other personality traits that you don’t want.
  7. Fine-tune your guidelines by testing them. To generate example copy with these guidelines, expand Test your guidelines and enter a prompt.
  8. When you’re satisfied, select Save brand guideline.

You can now return to the copywriting view. Your new guidelines will be saved to your workspace for future use.

Brand guideline creation view"

Editing guidelines

To edit existing brand guidelines:

  1. Open the AI copywriting assistant.
  2. Apply the brand guidelines you want to edit. A button will appear near the field.
  3. Select Edit guideline.

How is my data used and sent to OpenAI?

In order to generate copy using a brand guideline, Braze will send your query including the content of your guideline to OpenAI. All queries sent to OpenAI from Braze are anonymized, meaning that OpenAI will not be able to identify from whom the query was sent unless you include uniquely identifiable information in the input you provide or in your past campaign data when enabling the option labeled “Reference past campaign data”. Per OpenAI’s policy, data sent to OpenAI’s API via Braze is not used to train or improve their models and will be deleted after 30 days. Between you and Braze, any content generated using GPT is your intellectual property. Braze will not assert any claims of copyright ownership on such content and makes no warranty of any kind with respect to any AI-generated content.

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