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Scuba Analytics

Scuba Analytics is a full-stack, machine-learning-powered data collaboration platform designed for high-velocity time-series data. Scuba allows you to selectively export users (also called actors) and load them into your Braze platform. In Scuba, custom actor properties are used to analyze behavioral trends, activate your data across various platforms, and conduct predictive modeling using machine learning.


To use Scuba Analytics with Braze, you’ll need the following:

  • A Braze REST API key with the users.track permission.
  • A Scuba API token you can retrieve from the https://{scuba_hostname}/api/create_token endpoint.

Uploading your Scuba data to Braze

To upload your Scuba data to Braze, make a POST request to using the application/json content-type:

curl -X POST "" \
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"braze_host":"BRAZE_API_ENDPOINT", \
"braze_api_key":"BRAZE_API_KEY", \
"scuba_host":"HOSTNAME", \
"scuba_token":"SCUBA_API_TOKEN", \
"scuba_table_name":"TABLE_NAME", \
"scuba_actor_property_name":"ACTOR_PROPERTY_NAME", \
"scuba_actor_property_value_filter":"ACTOR_PROPERTY_FILTER" \
"scuba_actor_id":"ACTOR_ID", \
"scuba_period_start":"PERIOD_START", \
"scuba_period_end":"PERIOD_END", \

Replace the following:

Placeholder Description
BRAZE_API_ENDPOINT The Braze REST endpoint URL of your current Braze instance. For more information, see Rest API keys.
BRAZE_API_KEY Your Braze REST API key with the users.track permission.
HOSTNAME The hostname of your current Scuba instance.
SCUBA_API_TOKEN Your Scuba API token.
TABLE_NAME The table your dataset belongs to. For more information, see Glossary: Dataset table.
ACTOR_PROPERTY_NAME The actor property your dataset belongs to. Only data matching this name will be returned. For more information, see Glossary: Actor property.
ACTOR_PROPERTY_FILTER The audience search filter for your actor property.
ACTOR_ID The ID of the actor property your dataset belongs to. This ID matches your external_id in Braze. For more information, see Glossary: Actor.
PERIOD_START The start period as a BQL-compatible date. For more information, see BQL syntax and usage.
PERIOD_END The end period as a BQL-compatible date. For more information, see BQL syntax and usage.
RECORD_LIMIT Optional: The maximum number of records to return. If scuba_record_limit is omitted, Scuba will return a maximum of 100 records. To change this, assignin any non-negative number to scuba_record_limit.

Default behavior

By default, update_existing_only is set to false which will update your existing records in Braze, as well as create new records for those that don’t exist. To prevent Scuba from creating new records, set update_existing_only to true.

Rate limit

Scuba applies a rate limit of 50,000 requests per minute to this endpoint.

Creating segments using Scuba’s behavioral data

After you upload your data, you can create user segments in Braze using Scuba’s behavioral data.

Step 1: Create a new segment

In Braze, go to Audience > Segments, then select Create Segment and enter a name for your segment.

Creating a new segment in Braze.

Step 2: Find and select the Scuba attribute

Under Segment Details > Filters, select Custom Attributes.

Selecting the 'Custom Attribute' filter under 'Segment Details'.

Select Search custom attributes, then choose the actor property name you used in your previous POST request.

Selecting the actor property as a custom attribute.

Step 3: Configure the attribute

Next to your actor property name, choose an operator and a value (if applicable). These values are determined by the actor properties you’ve defined in Scuba. When you’re finished, select Save.

Choosing an operating and value for the selected

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