Push notifications that are not rendered for the device. Usually used to send packets of information down to the app for background processes and uninstall tracking. A Background-enabled push token is required for background push to be sent.
Types of push notifications
There are many types of push notifications you can use to interact with your customers. These can be narrowed by channel and used to meet the needs of many different users. You can configure most of these settings in your Push campaigns, but there are notes in the following descriptions that will indicate whether any backend configurations are needed and what those might be.
HTML Push Notifications are push messages that are hard coded in HTML and do not use the pre-set push templates that Braze provides. Having the option to create HTML push notifications allows your company to have full creative freedom and consistent branding when it comes to how you want these push messages to look.
Provisional Push Notifications for iOS
Introduced by Apple in iOS 12, provisional authorization automatically occurs on install for iOS apps, allowing brands to send silent notifications without displaying a push prompt to users. When the silent push is sent and viewed in the device's notification tray, users will be given the option to allow or discontinue push notifications.
In-app message campaigns used to gain explicit push opt-in or opt-out signal from users. Through the primer, you can avoid sending notifications to users that are likely to turn off push through the device settings. For iOS, push campaigns are relevant as foreground push notifications (such as notifications that wake up the device) are not enabled until a user explicitly opts into iOS' native push prompt.