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Media library

The media library allows you to manage your assets in a single, centralized location.

You can find the Media Library under Templates.

You can use the Media Library to:

  • Upload multiple images at one time
  • Upload Virtual Contact Files (.vcf)
  • Upload a folder with your images (maximum 50 images)
  • Generate an image using AI and store it in the media library
  • Crop an existing image to create the right ratio for your messages
  • Add tags or teams to help further organize your images
  • Search by tags or teams in the media library grid
  • Drag and drop images or folders to be uploaded
  • Delete images

Media Library page that includes an "Upload To Library" section to drag and drop or upload files. There is also a list of uploaded content in the media library.

Image details

Within the media library, you can see the image type, size, dimensions, URL, and date it was added to the library.

Using the media library versus a CDN

Using the media library provides better caching and performance for in-app messages. All media library assets found in an in-app message will be pre-cached for faster display and will be available for offline display. Additionally, the media library is integrated with Braze composers, allowing marketers to select or tag images instead of copying and pasting image URLs.

Image specifications

All images uploaded to the media library must be less than 5 MB. Supported file types are PNG, JPEG, and GIF. For specific image recommendations by messaging channel, refer to the following sections.

Content Cards

Card type Aspect ratio Image quality
Classic 1:1 aspect ratio 60 x 60 px
Captioned 4:3 aspect ratio 600 px minimum width
Banner Any aspect ratio 600 px minimum width

For more information, refer to Content Card creative details.


Email type Recommended maximum properties
Text only 25 KB
Text with images 60 KB
Email width 600 px
Image specifications Recommended maximum properties
Size 5 MB
Width Header: 600 px
Body: 480 px
File types PNG, JPG, GIF
Text specifications Recommended maximum properties
Subject line length 35 characters
6 to 10 words
"From: Name" length 25 characters
Pre-header length 85 characters

In-app messages

Modal in-app messages are designed to fit the device at the best and most filling ratios possible, while staying true to the size and ratios of your chosen image or copy for your message.

While there are no limits to how many text characters you can include in an in-app message (as well as buttons, headline, main body, and others), we moderate how many text characters you use. Too much text will require users to expand and scroll the message.

All in-app messages have a recommended image size of 500 KB, maximum image size of 5 MB, and support PNG, JPG, and GIF file types.

Type Aspect ratio Image quality Notes
Portrait full screen with text 6:5 High resolution 1200 x 1000 px
Minimum resolution 600 x 500 px
Cropping can occur on all sides, but the image will always fill the top 50% of the viewport.
Portrait full screen (image only, with or without buttons) 3:5 High resolution 1200 x 2000 px
Minimum resolution 600 x 1000 px
Cropping can occur on the left and right edges on taller devices.
Type Aspect ratio Image quality Notes
Landscape full screen with text 10:3 High resolution 2000 x 600 px
Minimum resolution 1000 x 300 px
Cropping can occur on all sides, but the image will always fill the top 50% of the viewport.
Landscape full screen (image only, with or without buttons) 5:3 High resolution 2000 x 600 px
Minimum resolution 1000 x 600 px
Cropping can occur on the left and right edges on taller devices.
Type Aspect ratio Image quality Notes
Slideup 1:1 High resolution 150 x 150 px
Minimum resolution 50 x 50 px
Images of various aspect ratios will fit into a square image container, without cropping.

For more information, refer to In-app message creative details.


Message type Maximum message length Maximum title length
iOS lock screen 175 characters 43 characters
iOS notification 175 characters 43 characters
iOS banner alert 85 characters 43 characters
Android lock screen 49 characters 43 characters
Android notification drawer 597 characters 43 characters

The recommended image size for all push images is 500 KB.

Image type Aspect ratio Image quality Maximum image size File types Notes
iOS 2:1 (recommended) 1038 x 1038 px maximum 5 MB PNG, JPG, GIF As of January 2020, iOS rich push notifications can handle images 1038 x 1038 px as long as they are under 10 MB, but we recommend using as small a file size as possible. In practice, sending large files can cause both unnecessary network stress and make download timeouts more common.

For more information, see iOS rich notifications.
Android push icon 1:1 N/A 500 KB PNG, JPG
Android expanded notification image 2:1 Small: 512 x 256 px
Medium: 1024 x 512 px
Large: 2048 x 1024 px
500 KB PNG, JPG Used in Android rich notifications.
Android incline image 3:2 N/A N/A PNG, JPG For more details, see Android inline image push.
More resources

Accessing the media library from a message composer

The media library acts as your dashboard’s centralized location for assets, as all images are uploaded directly to it. This lets you re-use images across different messages.

Two common ways of accessing the media library depending on the message composer. One shows the email Drag and Drop Editor with the title "Images and GIFs" and a button to "Add from Media Library". The other shows the standard editors, such as push and in-app messages, with the title "Media" and a button to "Add Image".

Generate an image using AI

You can generate images for your media library using DALL·E 2, an AI system from OpenAI, a Braze third-party provider. This system can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language. Each request generates four variations of your prompt, and your company can generate images 10 times per day. This total applies to all users in your company.

  1. From the media library, select AI Image Generator.
  2. Enter a description of the image you want to generate, up to 300 characters. The more detailed the description, the better your result.
  3. Select Generate Images. It can take about a minute for images to generate.
  4. Select on the images you like to add them to your media library.

AI image generator modal in the media library.

Between you and Braze, any images generated using DALL·E 2 are your intellectual property. Braze will not assert any claims of copyright ownership on such images and makes no warranty of any kind with respect to any AI-generated content or images.

In order to generate images, Braze will send your query to OpenAI’s API Platform. All queries sent to OpenAI from Braze are anonymized, meaning that OpenAI will not be able to identify from whom the query was sent unless you include uniquely identifiable information in the input you provide. As detailed in OpenAI’s API Platform Commitments, data sent to OpenAI’s API via Braze is not used to train or improve their models and will be deleted after 30 days. Please ensure that you adhere to OpenAI’s policies relevant to you, which may include its Usage Policy and its Sharing & Publication Policy. Braze makes no warranty of any kind with respect to any AI-generated content.

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