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SQL table reference

This page is a reference of tables and columns available to be queried in the Query Builder or when generating SQL Segment Extensions.

Table of contents

Table Description
USERS_BEHAVIORS_CUSTOMEVENT_SHARED When a user performs a custom event
USERS_BEHAVIORS_INSTALLATTRIBUTION_SHARED When a user installs an app and we attribute it to a partner
USERS_BEHAVIORS_LOCATION_SHARED When a user records a location
USERS_BEHAVIORS_PURCHASE_SHARED When a user makes a purchase
USERS_BEHAVIORS_UNINSTALL_SHARED When a user uninstalls an app
USERS_BEHAVIORS_APP_FIRSTSESSION_SHARED When a user has their first session
USERS_BEHAVIORS_APP_SESSIONEND_SHARED When a user ends a session on an app
USERS_BEHAVIORS_APP_SESSIONSTART_SHARED When a user begins a session on an app
USERS_BEHAVIORS_GEOFENCE_DATAEVENT_SHARED When a user triggers a geofenced area (for example, when they enter or exit a geofence). This event was batched with other events and received through the standard events endpoint, and therefore may not have been received by the endpoint in real time.
USERS_BEHAVIORS_GEOFENCE_RECORDEVENT_SHARED When a user triggers a geofenced area (for example, when they enter or exit a geofence). This event was received through the dedicated geofence endpoint and is therefore received in real-time as soon as a user’s device detects that it has triggered a geofence.

In addition, due to rate limiting on the geofence endpoint, it is possible that some geofence events are not reflected as a RecordEvent. All geofence events, however, are represented by DataEvent (but potentially with some delay due to batching).
USERS_BEHAVIORS_SUBSCRIPTION_GLOBALSTATECHANGE_SHARED When a user is subscribed or unsubscribed globally from a channel such as email
USERS_BEHAVIORS_SUBSCRIPTIONGROUP_STATECHANGE_SHARED When a user is subscribed or unsubscribed to or from a subscription group
USERS_CAMPAIGNS_CONVERSION_SHARED When a user converts for a campaign
USERS_CAMPAIGNS_ENROLLINCONTROL_SHARED When a user is enrolled in the control group for a campaign
USERS_CAMPAIGNS_FREQUENCYCAP_SHARED When a user gets frequency capped for a campaign
USERS_CAMPAIGNS_REVENUE_SHARED When a user generates revenue within the primary conversion period
USERS_CANVAS_CONVERSION_SHARED When a user converts for a Canvas conversion event
USERS_CANVAS_ENTRY_SHARED When a user enters a Canvas
USERS_CANVAS_EXIT_MATCHEDAUDIENCE_SHARED When a user exits a Canvas because they match audience exit criteria
USERS_CANVAS_EXIT_PERFORMEDEVENT_SHARED When a user exits a Canvas because they performed an exception event
USERS_CANVAS_EXPERIMENTSTEP_CONVERSION_SHARED When a user converts for a Canvas Experiment step
USERS_CANVAS_EXPERIMENTSTEP_SPLITENTRY_SHARED When a user enters an Experiment step path
USERS_CANVAS_FREQUENCYCAP_SHARED When a user gets frequency capped for a Canvas step
USERS_CANVAS_REVENUE_SHARED When a user generates revenue within the primary conversion event period
USERS_MESSAGES_CONTENTCARD_ABORT_SHARED An originally scheduled Content Card message was aborted for some reason.
USERS_MESSAGES_CONTENTCARD_SEND_SHARED When we send a Content Card to a user
USERS_MESSAGES_EMAIL_ABORT_SHARED An originally scheduled email message was aborted for some reason.
USERS_MESSAGES_EMAIL_BOUNCE_SHARED An Email Service Provider returned a hard bounce. A hard bounce signifies a permanent deliverability failure.
USERS_MESSAGES_EMAIL_CLICK_SHARED When a user clicks a link in an email
USERS_MESSAGES_EMAIL_MARKASSPAM_SHARED When an email is marked as spam
USERS_MESSAGES_EMAIL_OPEN_SHARED When a user opens an email
USERS_MESSAGES_EMAIL_SEND_SHARED When we send an email to a user
USERS_MESSAGES_EMAIL_UNSUBSCRIBE_SHARED When a user unsubscribes from email
USERS_MESSAGES_INAPPMESSAGE_ABORT_SHARED An originally scheduled in-app message was aborted for some reason.
USERS_MESSAGES_INAPPMESSAGE_CLICK_SHARED When a user clicks an in-app message
USERS_MESSAGES_NEWSFEEDCARD_ABORT_SHARED An originally scheduled News Feed card message was aborted for some reason.
USERS_MESSAGES_PUSHNOTIFICATION_ABORT_SHARED An originally scheduled push notification message was aborted for some reason.
USERS_MESSAGES_PUSHNOTIFICATION_INFLUENCEDOPEN_SHARED When a user opens the app after receiving a notification without clicking on the notification
USERS_MESSAGES_PUSHNOTIFICATION_IOSFOREGROUND_SHARED When a user receives a push notification while the app is open
USERS_MESSAGES_PUSHNOTIFICATION_OPEN_SHARED When a user opens a push notification or clicks a push notification button (including a CLOSE button that does NOT open the app).

Push button actions have multiple outcomes. No, Decline, and Cancel actions are “clicks”, and Accept actions are “opens”. Both are represented in this table, but they can be distinguished in the BUTTON_ACTION_TYPE column. For example, a query can be used to group by a BUTTON_ACTION_TYPE that is not No, Decline, or Cancel.
USERS_MESSAGES_PUSHNOTIFICATION_SEND_SHARED When we send a push notification to a user
USERS_MESSAGES_SMS_ABORT_SHARED An originally scheduled SMS message was aborted for some reason.
USERS_MESSAGES_SMS_CARRIERSEND_SHARED When an SMS message is sent to the carrier
USERS_MESSAGES_SMS_DELIVERYFAILURE_SHARED When Braze is unable to deliver the SMS message to the SMS service provider
USERS_MESSAGES_SMS_INBOUNDRECEIVE_SHARED When an SMS message is received from a user
USERS_MESSAGES_SMS_REJECTION_SHARED When an SMS message is not delivered to a user
USERS_MESSAGES_SMS_SHORTLINKCLICK_SHARED When a user clicks a Braze shortened URL included in an SMS message
USERS_MESSAGES_WEBHOOK_ABORT_SHARED An originally scheduled webhook message was aborted for some reason
USERS_MESSAGES_WEBHOOK_SEND_SHARED When we send a webhook for a user
USERS_MESSAGES_WHATSAPP_ABORT_SHARED An originally scheduled WhatsApp message was aborted for some reason
USERS_MESSAGES_WHATSAPP_DELIVERY_SHARED When a WhatsApp message is delivered
USERS_MESSAGES_WHATSAPP_FAILURE_SHARED When a WhatsApp message is not delivered to a user
USERS_MESSAGES_WHATSAPP_INBOUNDRECEIVE_SHARED When a WhatsApp message is received from a user
USERS_MESSAGES_WHATSAPP_READ_SHARED When a user opens a WhatsApp message
USERS_MESSAGES_WHATSAPP_SEND_SHARED When we send a WhatsApp message for a user
USERS_RANDOMBUCKETNUMBERUPDATE_SHARED When a user’s random bucket number is changed
USERS_USERDELETEREQUEST_SHARED When a user is deleted by a customer request
USERS_USERORPHAN_SHARED When a user is merged with another user’s profile and the original profile is orphaned



Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed the event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this action occurred
time int Unix timestamp at which the user performed the event
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
device_id null, string ID of the device on which the custom event occurred
sdk_version null, string Version of the Braze SDK in use during the event
platform null, string Platform of the device
os_version null, string Version of the operating system of the device
device_model null, string Model of the device
name string Name of the custom event
properties string Custom properties of the event stored as a JSON encoded string
ad_id null, string [PII] Advertising identifier
ad_id_type null, string One of ios_idfa, google_ad_id, windows_ad_id, OR roku_ad_id
ad_tracking_enabled null, boolean Whether advertising tracking is enabled for the device


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that installed
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the user installed
source string the source of the attribution


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that records the location
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this location was recorded
time int Unix timestamp at which the location was recorded
latitude float [PII] Latitude of recorded location
longitude float [PII] Longitude of recorded location
altitude null, float [PII] altitude of recorded location
ll_accuracy null, float latitude and longitude accuracy of recorded location
alt_accuracy null, float altitude accuracy of recorded location
device_id null, string ID of the device on which the location was recorded
sdk_version null, string Version of the Braze SDK in use when the location was recorded
platform null, string Platform of the device
os_version null, string Version of the operating system of the device
device_model null, string Model of the device
ad_id null, string [PII] Advertising identifier
ad_id_type null, string One of ios_idfa, google_ad_id, windows_ad_id, OR roku_ad_id
ad_tracking_enabled null, boolean Whether advertising tracking is enabled for the device


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that made a purchase
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which the purchase occurred
time int Unix timestamp at which the user made the purchase
device_id null, string ID of the device on which the purchase occurred
sdk_version null, string Version of the Braze SDK in use during the purchase
platform null, string Platform of the device
os_version null, string Version of the operating system of the device
device_model null, string Model of the device
product_id string ID of the product purchased
price float Price of the purchase
currency string Currency of the purchase
properties string Custom properties of the purchase stored as a JSON encoded string
ad_id null, string [PII] Advertising identifier
ad_id_type null, string One of ios_idfa, google_ad_id, windows_ad_id, OR roku_ad_id
ad_tracking_enabled null, boolean Whether advertising tracking is enabled for the device


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that uninstalled
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app that was uninstalled
time int Unix timestamp at which the user uninstalled


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that upgraded the app
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app the user upgraded
time int Unix timestamp at which the user upgraded the app
device_id null, string ID of the device on which the user upgraded the app
sdk_version null, string Version of the Braze SDK in use
platform null, string Platform of the device
os_version null, string Version of the operating system of the device
device_model null, string Model of the device
old_app_version null, string Old version of the app
new_app_version null, string New version of the app


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performs this action
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this session occurred
time int Unix timestamp at which the session started
session_id string UUID of the session
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
device_id null, string ID of the device on which the session occurred
sdk_version null, string Version of the Braze SDK in use during the session
platform null, string Platform of the device
os_version null, string Version of the operating system of the device
device_model null, string Model of the device


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that viewed the News Feed
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which the user viewed the News Feed
time int Unix timestamp at which the user viewed the News Feed
device_id null, string ID of the device on which the impression occurred
sdk_version null, string Version of the Braze SDK in use during the impression
platform null, string Platform of the device
os_version null, string Version of the operating system of the device
device_model null, string Model of the device


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performs this action
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this session occurred
time int Unix timestamp at which the session ended
duration null, float Duration of the session
session_id string UUID of the session
device_id null, string ID of the device on which the session occurred
sdk_version null, string Version of the Braze SDK in use during the session
platform null, string Platform of the device
os_version null, string Version of the operating system of the device
device_model null, string Model of the device


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performs this action
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this session occurred
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the session started
session_id string UUID of the session
device_id null, string ID of the device on which the session occurred
sdk_version null, string Version of the Braze SDK in use during the session
platform null, string Platform of the device
os_version null, string Version of the operating system of the device
device_model null, string Model of the device


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed the event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this action occurred
time int Unix timestamp at which the user performed the event
device_id null, string ID of the device on which the custom event occurred
sdk_version null, string Version of the Braze SDK in use during the event
platform null, string Platform of the device
os_version null, string Version of the operating system of the device
device_model null, string Model of the device
event_type string What kind of geofence event was triggered. (for example, ‘enter’ or ‘exit’)
location_set_id string The ID of the location set of the geofence that was triggered
geofence_id string The ID of the geofence that was triggered


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed the event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this action occurred
time int Unix timestamp at which the user performed the event
device_id null, string ID of the device on which the custom event occurred
sdk_version null, string Version of the Braze SDK in use during the event
platform null, string Platform of the device
os_version null, string Version of the operating system of the device
device_model null, string Model of the device
event_type string What kind of geofence event was triggered. (for example, ‘enter’ or ‘exit’)
location_set_id string The ID of the location set of the geofence that was triggered
geofence_id string The ID of the geofence that was triggered


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user affected
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
email_address null, string [PII] email address of the user
state_change_source null, string source of the state change (REST, SDK, Dashboard, etc)
subscription_status string Subscription status: ‘Subscribed’ or ‘Unsubscribed’
channel null, string Channel of the global subscription state such as email
time int Unix timestamp at which the subscription state changed
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app the event belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this event belongs to
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this subscription state change action originated from


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user affected
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
email_address null, string [PII] email address of the user
phone_number null, string [PII] phone number of the user in e164 format
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app the event belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this event belongs to
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
subscription_group_api_id string Subscription group API ID
channel null, string Channel: ‘email’ or ‘sms’, depending on the channel type of the subscription group
subscription_status string Subscription status: ‘Subscribed’ or ‘Unsubscribed’
time int Unix timestamp at which the subscription state changed
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
send_id null, string Message send ID this subscription state change action originated from
state_change_source null, string Source of the state change (REST, SDK, Dashboard, etc)



Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this event occurred
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
conversion_behavior_index null, int Index of the conversion behavior
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this event occurred
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
channel null, string Channel this event belongs to
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this event occurred
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
revenue long The amount of USD revenue in cents generated



Field Type Description
id stringnull Globally unique ID for this event
user_id stringnull Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id stringnull [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id stringnull ID of the device that is tied to this user, if the user is anonymous
app_group_id stringnull Braze ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_group_api_id stringnull API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time intnull Unix timestamp at which the event happened
app_api_id stringnull API ID of the app on which this event occurred
canvas_id stringnull (For Braze use only) ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
conversion_behavior_index intnull Type of conversion event the user performed where “0” is a primary conversion and “1” is a secondary conversion
gender stringnull [PII] Gender of the user
country stringnull [PII] Country of the user
timezone stringnull Time zone of the user
language stringnull [PII] Language of the user
sf_created_at timestampnull When this event was picked up by the Snowpipe


Field Type Description
id stringnull Globally unique ID for this event
user_id stringnull Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id stringnull [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id stringnull ID of the device that is tied to this user, if the user is anonymous
app_group_id stringnull Braze ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_group_api_id stringnull API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time intnull Unix timestamp at which the event happened
canvas_id stringnull (For Braze use only) ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id stringnull [Deprecated] API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
gender stringnull [PII] Gender of the user
country stringnull [PII] Country of the user
timezone stringnull Time zone of the user
language stringnull [PII] Language of the user
in_control_group booleannull True if the user was enrolled in the control group
sf_created_at timestampnull When this event was picked up by the Snowpipe


Field Type Description
id stringnull Globally unique ID for this event
user_id stringnull Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id stringnull [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id stringnull ID of the device that is tied to this user, if the user is anonymous
app_group_id stringnull Braze ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_group_api_id stringnull API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time intnull Unix timestamp at which the event happened
canvas_id stringnull (For Braze use only) ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
sf_created_at timestampnull When this event was picked up by the Snowpipe


Field Type Description
id stringnull Globally unique ID for this event
user_id stringnull Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id stringnull [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id stringnull ID of the device that is tied to this user, if the user is anonymous
app_group_id stringnull Braze ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_group_api_id stringnull API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time intnull Unix timestamp at which the event happened
canvas_id stringnull (For Braze use only) ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
sf_created_at timestampnull When this event was picked up by the Snowpipe


Field Type Description
id stringnull Globally unique ID for this event
user_id stringnull Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id stringnull [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id stringnull ID of the device that is tied to this user, if the user is anonymous
app_group_id stringnull Braze ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time intnull Unix timestamp at which the event happened
app_api_id stringnull API ID of the app on which this event occurred
canvas_id stringnull (For Braze use only) ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
experiment_step_api_id stringnull API ID of the Experiment step this event belongs to
conversion_behavior_index intnull Type of conversion event the user performed where “0” is a primary conversion and “1” is a secondary conversion
sf_created_at timestampnull When this event was picked up by the Snowpipe


Field Type Description
id stringnull Globally unique ID for this event
user_id stringnull Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id stringnull [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id stringnull ID of the device that is tied to this user, if the user is anonymous
app_group_id stringnull Braze ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time intnull Unix timestamp at which the event happened
canvas_id stringnull (For Braze use only) ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
experiment_step_api_id stringnull API ID of the Experiment step this event belongs to
in_control_group booleannull True if the user was enrolled in the control group
sf_created_at timestampnull When this event was picked up by the Snowpipe


Field Type Description
id stringnull Globally unique ID for this event
user_id stringnull Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id stringnull [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id stringnull ID of the device that is tied to this user, if the user is anonymous
app_group_id stringnull Braze ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_group_api_id stringnull API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time intnull Unix timestamp at which the event happened
canvas_id stringnull (For Braze use only) ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
channel stringnull Messaging Channel this event belongs to (email, push, etc.)
gender stringnull [PII] Gender of the user
country stringnull [PII] Country of the user
timezone stringnull Time zone of the user
language stringnull [PII] Language of the user
sf_created_at timestampnull When this event was picked up by the Snowpipe


Field Type Description
id stringnull Globally unique ID for this event
user_id stringnull Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id stringnull [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id stringnull ID of the device that is tied to this user, if the user is anonymous
app_group_id stringnull Braze ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_group_api_id stringnull API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time intnull Unix timestamp at which the event happened
canvas_id stringnull (For Braze use only) ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id stringnull API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender stringnull [PII] Gender of the user
country stringnull [PII] Country of the user
timezone stringnull Time zone of the user
language stringnull [PII] Language of the user
revenue intnull Amount of revenue generated in USD, displayed as cents
sf_created_at timestampnull When this event was picked up by the Snowpipe



Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
abort_type null, string Type of abort, one of: liquid_abort_message, quiet_hours, rate_limit
abort_log null, string [PII] Log message describing abort details (maximum of 128 characters)


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
content_card_id string ID of the card that generated this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this event occurred
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
device_id null, string ID of the device on which the event occurred
sdk_version null, string Version of the Braze SDK in use during the event
platform null, string Platform of the device
os_version null, string Version of the operating system of the device
device_model null, string Model of the device
resolution null, string Resolution of the device
carrier null, string Carrier of the device
browser null, string Browser of the device
ad_id null, string [PII] Advertising identifier
ad_id_type null, string One of ios_idfa, google_ad_id, windows_ad_id, OR roku_ad_id
ad_tracking_enabled null, boolean Whether advertising tracking is enabled for the device


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
content_card_id string ID of the card that generated this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this event occurred
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
device_id null, string ID of the device on which the event occurred
sdk_version null, string Version of the Braze SDK in use during the event
platform null, string Platform of the device
os_version null, string Version of the operating system of the device
device_model null, string Model of the device
resolution null, string Resolution of the device
carrier null, string Carrier of the device
browser null, string Browser of the device
ad_id null, string [PII] Advertising identifier
ad_id_type null, string One of ios_idfa, google_ad_id, windows_ad_id, OR roku_ad_id
ad_tracking_enabled null, boolean Whether advertising tracking is enabled for the device


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
content_card_id string ID of the card that generated this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this event occurred
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
device_id null, string ID of the device on which the event occurred
sdk_version null, string Version of the Braze SDK in use during the event
platform null, string Platform of the device
os_version null, string Version of the operating system of the device
device_model null, string Model of the device
resolution null, string Resolution of the device
carrier null, string Carrier of the device
browser null, string Browser of the device
ad_id null, string [PII] Advertising identifier
ad_id_type null, string One of ios_idfa, google_ad_id, windows_ad_id, OR roku_ad_id
ad_tracking_enabled null, boolean Whether advertising tracking is enabled for the device


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
content_card_id string ID of the card that generated this event


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
email_address string [PII] email address of the user
ip_pool null, string IP Pool from which the email send was made
abort_type null, string Type of abort, one of: liquid_abort_message, quiet_hours, rate_limit
abort_log null, string [PII] Log message describing abort details (maximum of 128 characters)


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
email_address string [PII] email address of the user
sending_ip null, string IP address from which the email send was made
ip_pool null, string IP Pool from which the email send was made
bounce_reason null, string [PII] The SMTP reason code and user friendly message received for this bounce event
esp null, string ESP related to the event (SparkPost or SendGrid)
from_domain null, string Sending domain for the email
is_drop null, boolean Indicates that this event counts as a drop event


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
email_address string [PII] email address of the user
url null, string URL that the user clicked on
user_agent null, string User agent on which the click occurred
ip_pool null, string IP Pool from which the email send was made
link_id null, string Unique ID for the link which was clicked, as created by Braze
link_alias null, string Alias associated with this link ID
esp null, string ESP related to the event (SparkPost or SendGrid)
from_domain null, string Sending domain for the email
is_amp null, boolean Indicates that this is an AMP event


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
email_address string [PII] email address of the user
sending_ip null, string IP address from which the email was sent
ip_pool null, string IP Pool from which the email send was made
esp null, string ESP related to the event (SparkPost or SendGrid)
from_domain null, string Sending domain for the email


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
email_address string [PII] email address of the user
user_agent null, string User agent on which the spam report occurred
ip_pool null, string IP Pool from which the email send was made
esp null, string ESP related to the event (SparkPost or SendGrid)
from_domain null, string Sending domain for the email


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
email_address string [PII] email address of the user
user_agent null, string User agent on which the open occurred
ip_pool null, string IP Pool from which the email send was made
machine_open null, string Populated to ‘true’ if the open event is triggered without user engagement, for example, by an Apple device with Mail Privacy Protection enabled. Value may change over time to provide more granularity.
esp null, string ESP related to the event (SparkPost or SendGrid)
from_domain null, string Sending domain for the email
is_amp null, boolean Indicates that this is an AMP event


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
email_address string [PII] email address of the user
ip_pool null, string IP Pool from which the email send was made


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
email_address string [PII] email address of the user
sending_ip null, string IP address from which the email send was made
ip_pool null, string IP Pool from which the email send was made
bounce_reason null, string [PII] The SMTP reason code and user friendly message received for this bounce event
esp null, string ESP related to the event (SparkPost or SendGrid)
from_domain null, string Sending domain for the email


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
email_address string [PII] email address of the user
ip_pool null, string IP Pool from which the email send was made


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this event occurred
card_api_id null, string API ID of the card
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
device_id null, string ID of the device on which the event occurred
sdk_version null, string Version of the Braze SDK in use during the event
platform null, string Platform of the device
os_version null, string Version of the operating system of the device
device_model null, string Model of the device
resolution null, string Resolution of the device
carrier null, string Carrier of the device
browser null, string Browser of the device
version string Which version of in-app message, legacy or triggered
ad_id null, string [PII] Advertising identifier
ad_id_type null, string One of ios_idfa, google_ad_id, windows_ad_id, OR roku_ad_id
ad_tracking_enabled null, boolean Whether advertising tracking is enabled for the device
abort_type null, string Type of abort, one of: liquid_abort_message, quiet_hours, rate_limit
abort_log null, string [PII] Log message describing abort details (maximum of 128 characters)


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this event occurred
card_api_id null, string API ID of the card
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
device_id null, string ID of the device on which the event occurred
sdk_version null, string Version of the Braze SDK in use during the event
platform null, string Platform of the device
os_version null, string Version of the operating system of the device
device_model null, string Model of the device
resolution null, string resolution of the device
carrier null, string carrier of the device
browser null, string browser of the device
version string which version of in-app message, legacy or triggered
button_id null, string ID of the button clicked, if this click represents a click on a button
ad_id null, string [PII] Advertising identifier
ad_id_type null, string One of ios_idfa, google_ad_id, windows_ad_id, OR roku_ad_id
ad_tracking_enabled null, boolean Whether advertising tracking is enabled for the device


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this event occurred
card_api_id null, string API ID of the card
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
device_id null, string ID of the device on which the event occurred
sdk_version null, string Version of the Braze SDK in use during the event
platform null, string Platform of the device
os_version null, string Version of the operating system of the device
device_model null, string Model of the device
resolution null, string resolution of the device
carrier null, string carrier of the device
browser null, string browser of the device
version string which version of in-app message, legacy or triggered
ad_id null, string [PII] Advertising identifier
ad_id_type null, string One of ios_idfa, google_ad_id, windows_ad_id, OR roku_ad_id
ad_tracking_enabled null, boolean Whether advertising tracking is enabled for the device


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this event occurred
card_api_id null, string API ID of the card
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
device_id null, string ID of the device on which the event occurred
sdk_version null, string Version of the Braze SDK in use during the event
platform null, string Platform of the device
os_version null, string Version of the operating system of the device
device_model null, string Model of the device
resolution null, string resolution of the device
carrier null, string carrier of the device
browser null, string browser of the device
abort_type null, string Type of abort, one of: liquid_abort_message, quiet_hours, rate_limit
abort_log null, string [PII] Log message describing abort details (maximum of 128 characters)


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this event occurred
card_api_id null, string API ID of the card
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
device_id null, string ID of the device on which the event occurred
sdk_version null, string Version of the Braze SDK in use during the event
platform null, string Platform of the device
os_version null, string Version of the operating system of the device
device_model null, string Model of the device
resolution null, string resolution of the device
carrier null, string carrier of the device
browser null, string browser of the device


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this event occurred
card_api_id null, string API ID of the card
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
device_id null, string ID of the device on which the event occurred
sdk_version null, string Version of the Braze SDK in use during the event
platform null, string Platform of the device
os_version null, string Version of the operating system of the device
device_model null, string Model of the device
resolution null, string resolution of the device
carrier null, string carrier of the device
browser null, string browser of the device


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that we made a delivery attempt to
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this event occurred
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
platform string Platform of the device
abort_type null, string Type of abort, one of: liquid_abort_message, quiet_hours, rate_limit
abort_log null, string [PII] Log message describing abort details (maximum of 128 characters)


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
push_token null, string Push token that bounced
device_id null, string device_id that we made a delivery attempt to that bounced
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this event occurred
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
platform null, string Platform of the device
ad_id null, string [PII] advertising ID of the device that we made a delivery attempt to
ad_id_type null, string Type of the advertising id
ad_tracking_enabled null, boolean Whether or not tracking is enabled for advertising


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this event occurred
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
device_id null, string ID of the device on which the event occurred
sdk_version null, string Version of the Braze SDK in use during the event
platform null, string Platform of the device
os_version null, string Version of the operating system of the device
device_model null, string Model of the device
resolution null, string Resolution of the device
carrier null, string Carrier of the device
browser null, string Browser of the device


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this event occurred
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
device_id null, string ID of the device on which the event occurred
sdk_version null, string Version of the Braze SDK in use during the event
platform null, string Platform of the device
os_version null, string Version of the operating system of the device
device_model null, string Model of the device
resolution null, string Resolution of the device
carrier null, string Carrier of the device
browser null, string Browser of the device
ad_id null, string [PII] advertising ID of the device that we made a delivery attempt to
ad_id_type null, string Type of the advertising id
ad_tracking_enabled null, boolean Whether or not tracking is enabled for advertising


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this event occurred
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
device_id null, string ID of the device on which the event occurred
sdk_version null, string Version of the Braze SDK in use during the event
platform null, string Platform of the device
os_version null, string Version of the operating system of the device
device_model null, string Model of the device
resolution null, string Resolution of the device
carrier null, string Carrier of the device
browser null, string Browser of the device
button_string null, string Identifier (button_string) of the push notification button clicked. null if not from a button click
button_action_type null, string Action type of the push notification button. One of [URI, DEEP_LINK, NONE, CLOSE]. null if not from a button click
slide_id null, string Slide identifier of the push carousel slide user clicks on
slide_action_type null, string Action type of the push carousel slide
ad_id null, string [PII] advertising ID of the device that we made a delivery attempt to
ad_id_type null, string Type of the advertising id
ad_tracking_enabled null, boolean Whether or not tracking is enabled for advertising


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
push_token null, string Push token that we made a delivery attempt to
device_id null, string device_id that we made a delivery attempt to
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
app_api_id null, string API ID of the app on which this event occurred
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
platform string Platform of the device
ad_id null, string [PII] advertising ID of the device that we made a delivery attempt to
ad_id_type null, string Type of the advertising id
ad_tracking_enabled null, boolean Whether or not tracking is enabled for advertising


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
subscription_group_api_id null, string External ID of the subscription group
abort_type null, string Type of abort, one of: liquid_abort_message, quiet_hours, rate_limit
abort_log null, string [PII] Log message describing abort details (maximum of 128 characters)


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
to_phone_number null, string [PII] phone number of the recipient
from_phone_number null, string phone number from which the SMS message was sent
subscription_group_api_id null, string external ID of the subscription group


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
to_phone_number null, string [PII] phone number of the recipient
from_phone_number null, string Phone number from which the SMS message was sent
subscription_group_api_id null, string External ID of the subscription group


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
to_phone_number null, string [PII] phone number of the recipient
subscription_group_api_id null, string external ID of the subscription group
error null, string error name
provider_error_code null, string error code from SMS service provider


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id null, string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace associated with the inbound phone number
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
user_phone_number string [PII] the user’s phone number from which the message was received
subscription_group_id null, string ID of the subscription group targeted for this SMS message
subscription_group_api_id null, string API ID of the subscription group targeted for this SMS message
inbound_phone_number string The inbound number that the message was sent to
action string Action taken in response to this message. For example, Subscribed, Unsubscribed, or None.
message_body string Response from the user
media_urls null, {"type"=>"array", "items"=>["null", "string"]} Media URLs from the user
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this event belongs to
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this event belongs to


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
to_phone_number null, string [PII] phone number of the recipient
from_phone_number null, string phone number from which the SMS message was sent
subscription_group_api_id null, string external ID of the subscription group
error null, string error name
provider_error_code null, string error code from SMS service provider


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
to_phone_number null, string [PII] phone number of the recipient
subscription_group_api_id null, string external ID of the subscription group
category null, string Keyword Category Name, only populated for auto-reply messages: ‘Opt-in’, ‘Opt-out’, ‘Help’, or custom value


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id null, string Braze ID of the user targeted by short_url, null if short_url did not use user click tracking
external_user_id null, string [PII] External ID of the user targeted by short_url if one exists, null if short_url did not use user click tracking
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace used to generate short_url
time int Unix timestamp at which short_url was clicked
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
campaign_id null, string Braze ID of the campaign short_url was generated for, null if not from a campaign
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign short_url was generated for, null if not from a campaign
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation short_url was generated for, null if not from a campaign
canvas_id null, string Braze ID of the Canvas short_url was generated for, null if not from a Canvas
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas short_url was generated for, null if not from a Canvas
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation short_url was generated for, null if not from a Canvas
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step short_url was generated for, null if not from a Canvas
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation short_url was generated for, null if not from a Canvas
url string original URL contained in message that is redirected to by short_url
short_url string shortened URL that was clicked
user_agent null, string user agent requesting short_url
user_phone_number string [PII] the user’s phone number


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user
abort_type null, string Type of abort, one of: liquid_abort_message, quiet_hours, rate_limit
abort_log null, string [PII] Log message describing abort details (maximum of 128 characters)


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
send_id null, string Message send ID this message belongs to
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
gender null, string [PII] Gender of the user
country null, string [PII] Country of the user
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
language null, string [PII] Language of the user


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
to_phone_number null, string [PII] phone number of the recipient
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
app_group_id null, string ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
subscription_group_api_id string Subscription group API ID
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
abort_type null, string Type of abort, one of: liquid_abort_message, quiet_hours, rate_limit
abort_log null, string [PII] Log message describing abort details (maximum of 128 characters)
sf_created_at timestampnull When this event was picked up by the Snowpipe


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
to_phone_number null, string [PII] phone number of the recipient
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
from_phone_number null, string Phone number from which the WhatsApp message was sent
app_group_id null, string ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
subscription_group_api_id string Subscription group API ID
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
sf_created_at timestampnull When this event was picked up by the Snowpipe


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
to_phone_number null, string [PII] phone number of the recipient
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
from_phone_number null, string Phone number from which the WhatsApp message was sent
app_group_id null, string ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
subscription_group_api_id string Subscription group API ID
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
provider_error_code null, string Error code from WhatsApp
provider_error_title null,  string Error title from WhatsApp
sf_created_at timestampnull When this event was picked up by the Snowpipe


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
user_phone_number string [PII] the user’s phone number from which the message was received
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
inbound_phone_number string The inbound number that the message was sent to
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
app_group_id null, string ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
subscription_group_api_id string Subscription group API ID
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
message_body string Response from the user
quick_reply_text string Text of button pressed by the user
media_urls null, {"type"=>"array", "items"=>["null", "string"]} Media URLs from the user
action string Action taken in response to this message. For example, Subscribed, Unsubscribed, or None.
sf_created_at timestampnull When this event was picked up by the Snowpipe


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
to_phone_number null, string [PII] phone number of the recipient
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
from_phone_number null, string Phone number from which the WhatsApp message was sent
app_group_id null, string ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
subscription_group_api_id string Subscription group API ID
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
sf_created_at timestampnull When this event was picked up by the Snowpipe


Field Type Description
id string Globally unique ID for this event
time int Unix timestamp at which the event happened
to_phone_number null, string [PII] phone number of the recipient
user_id string Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id null, string [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id null, string device_id that is tied to this user if user is anonymous
timezone null, string Time zone of the user
from_phone_number null, string phone number from which the WhatsApp message was sent
app_group_id null, string ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_group_api_id null, string API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
subscription_group_api_id string Subscription group API ID
campaign_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the campaign this event belongs to
campaign_api_id null, string API ID of the campaign this event belongs to
message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the message variation this user received
canvas_id null, string Internal-use Braze ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas this event belongs to
canvas_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas variation this event belongs to
canvas_step_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step this event belongs to
canvas_step_message_variation_api_id null, string API ID of the Canvas step message variation this user received
dispatch_id null, string ID of the dispatch this message belongs to
message_extras null, string [PII] A JSON string of the tagged key-value pairs during Liquid rendering
sf_created_at timestampnull When this event was picked up by the Snowpipe



Field Type Description
id stringnull Globally unique ID for this event
app_group_id stringnull Braze ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_group_api_id stringnull API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
user_id stringnull Braze ID of the user that performed this event
external_user_id stringnull [PII] External user ID of the user
time intnull Unix timestamp at which the event happened
random_bucket_number intnull Current random bucket number assigned to the user
prev_random_bucket_number intnull Previous random bucket number assigned to the user
sf_created_at timestampnull When this event was picked up by the Snowpipe


Field Type Description
id stringnull Globally unique ID for this event
user_id stringnull Braze ID of the user that was deleted
app_group_id stringnull Braze ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_group_api_id stringnull API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
time intnull Unix timestamp at which the user delete request was processed
sf_created_at timestampnull When this event was picked up by the Snowpipe


Field Type Description
id stringnull Globally unique ID for this event
user_id stringnull Braze ID of the user that was orphaned
external_user_id stringnull [PII] External user ID of the user
device_id stringnull ID of the device that is tied to this user, if the user is anonymous
app_group_id stringnull Braze ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_group_api_id stringnull API ID of the workspace this user belongs to
app_api_id stringnull API ID of the app the orphaned user belonged to
time intnull Unix timestamp at which the user was orphaned
orphaned_by_id stringnull Braze ID of the user whose profile was merged with the orphaned user’s profile
sf_created_at timestampnull When this event was picked up by the Snowpipe
New Stuff!