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Attribute triggers

Attribute triggers allow you to send action-based messages when a user’s subscription state or custom attribute values change.

Attribute triggers are available for the following scenarios:

  • Subscription state updates.
  • Boolean, integer, string, or date custom attribute values change to any value.
  • Boolean, integer, or string custom attribute values change to a specific value.

To start using attribute triggers, create a campaign or Canvas component and select Action-Based Delivery as your delivery method. Then, select the attribute trigger that you’d like to use.

Update subscription status

Use the Update Subscription Status trigger to target users when their subscription status is updated.

For example, you can target users when their email or push subscription status changes to opted in, and thank them for opting in. You can also send a webhook to your systems whenever a user unsubscribes from email so that your internal systems are up to date with the latest subscription status information.

Update subscription group status

Use the Update Subscription Group Status trigger to target users when their subscription group status for Email, SMS or WhatsApp is updated.

For example, you can target users with a welcome SMS message when they opt in to your program. You can also specify the source of the update to have finer control over when a message fires.

Available update sources vary per channel:

  • CSV Import
  • Preference Center
  • SDK
  • Shopify (Email, SMS)
  • Inbound Message (SMS)

For example, you may want to only send your welcome SMS when the update comes from the REST API and not an inbound message, since Braze already automatically responds to certain inbound SMS.

Change custom attribute value

For change attribute, the trigger is evaluated first, then the audience criteria. This differs from the default behavior of audience criteria evaluated first, then trigger. To avoid a race condition, ensure the attribute used as the trigger is not the same as the attribute used to qualify your audience.

Any new value option

Use the Change Custom Attribute Value trigger with the any new value option to target users when a boolean, integer, string or date value changes to any new value.

For example, target users when their number of loyalty points changes to let them know how many points they now have. In this example, let’s say that a user has 85 loyalty points and you’ve set up a campaign to trigger when the loyalty point attribute changes to any new value. If this user’s loyalty point attribute value changes to any new value (e.g 83, 84, 86, etc.), then the campaign will trigger.

Consider the next example use case with a tier update notification. You might want to alert users if their loyalty tier changes. To accomplish this use case, set up a campaign that triggers off of Change Custom Attribute Value and set it to trigger when the custom attribute loyalty tier changes to any new value.

Any new value

You can also use Liquid to personalize the message body with the customer’s new loyalty tier and provide the customer with more information about the change.

Your loyalty tier was just changed to {{custom_attribute.${loyalty_tier}}}

Specific value

Use the Change Custom Attribute Value trigger with the specific value option to target users when a boolean, integer, or string custom attribute changes to a specific value.

For example, target users when their loyalty tier changes to the best tier. For this example, say that the best loyalty tier is Super VIP. You can set up a campaign to trigger when a user’s loyalty tier custom attribute changes to Super VIP so that you can congratulate the user on becoming a Super VIP.

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