Web push notification

Retail & eCommerce

Using Web Push to Expand Your Brand’s Reach

Emily Moschet By Emily Moschet Feb 8, 2021

When building out a user journey, it’s important to leave no customer engagement stone unturned. That’s where the oft-neglected web push notification comes in. A powerful tool to reach web visitors who are the most keyed into your brand, web push engages interested users on the desktop and mobile web in much the same way a push notification communicates with mobile app users on their phones. Because one has to be opted-in to see these notifications, it is a specialized audience—which means that these web pushes can help send impactful messages to the users most invested in your brand.

But while web push can be an effective tool for reaching web visitors, too many brands aren’t sure where to start. To give you a taste of what’s possible, let’s take a look at a couple of examples where web notifications helped brands hit the mark with users.

Racing to Give Real-Time Updates with NASCAR

NASCAR racing is one of the most popular sports in the world, with almost three million people watching each race. In an effort to expand their online reach to engage more web visitors, NASCAR turned to Braze to build out their cross-channel customer engagement strategy with web messaging campaigns.

By implementing web push notifications, NASCAR was hoping to encourage viewers who had web push enabled to revisit NASCAR.com and engage with content there. These efforts helped to provide fans with a real-time experience of current races and drive traffic back to their webpages. NASCAR found that when they sent a web push notification driving viewers to that content, they frequently hit the projected marker, allowing them to achieve a 13.5% web push notification open rate for content campaigns and 9.6% open rate for app download campaigns.

Final Thoughts

Through the targeted use of web push notifications with Braze, these brands were able to see marked improvements and reach their targets with users. While specialized, web push notifications are a powerful tool in your brand’s arsenal to help reach web users with high-importance information. Furthermore, these notifications give a brand access to a customer base that has already shown a vested interest. Web push notifications are a brilliant way to engage, retain, and monetize web visitors—another way to improve a potential customer journey.

To find out more on how to effectively implement web push notifications for your brand, check out the Braze Web Messaging Guide.

Emily Moschet

Emily Moschet

Emily is a Senior Business Consultant on the Industry Solutions team at Braze, a team dedicated to helping our most strategic customers build growth solutions to capture market opportunities and overcome business challenges. While not deep in industry research, you can find Emily running alongside NYC’s rivers and studying the field of Ayurvedic Medicine.

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