Data Privacy and Security

A (Fictional) Marketer Explores Segmentation: Build a Segment for Your IP Warming

Team Braze By Team Braze Dec 1, 2020

Yikes, you’re right about this whole IP warming thing. Miguel realized that he was getting ahead of himself. He couldn’t launch a welcome email, let alone a full onboarding journey yet! Still a totally valid goal, but getting the platform set up for success definitely needs to happen first. There’s nothing worse than finding out your IP is on an internet service provider’s blocklist... Miguel would know.

Luckily, it was possible to migrate all of their scrubbed email contacts into Braze, along with some custom attributes that reflect former email engagement behaviors. Those emails paired with the new data that’s pouring into Braze thanks to the SDK means Miguel can create the just right segment for this key process.

So he did some research on IP warming recommendations, checked in with his Onboarding Manager, and came up with two segments. The initial segment was for the first two weeks of IP warming, which looked like this:

  • Users who are opted in to receive emails
  • AND have started a session in the past two weeks
  • AND have opened an email in the past 30 days

And the second segment was for the back half of Miguel’s IP warming process. That segment looked like this:

  • Users who are opted in to receive emails
  • AND have started a session in the past three weeks
  • AND have opened an email in the past 60 days

Miguel is feeling good about these first two audiences, and the fact that he can change the definitions of each on the fly depending on how the warm-up is going. Because Braze uses dynamic segmentation and real-time data, if he needs to make the audiences larger or smaller to meet the needed volume or engagement requirements, he can do that easily and see fast results.

Team Braze

Team Braze

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