Braze Announcements

Braze Named Launch Partner for AWS Advertising & Marketing Initiative

Team Braze By Team Braze Nov 29, 2022

Marketing is not just built on data, but on access to data. Here at Braze, we know a brand’s ability to store, activate, and iterate on data can make or break their business, which is why we work tirelessly to empower marketers through our technology, teams, and partnerships.

Today, we’re thrilled to announce that Braze is a launch partner for AWS for Advertising & Marketing, a new initiative featuring a comprehensive set of purpose-built AWS services, solutions and partner solutions for ad agencies, marketers, publishers, ad tech providers, and analytics service providers. With AWS, Braze collects and processes more than half a trillion pieces of consumer generated data every month which can be used to improve the effectiveness of personalized messages. Braze easily integrates with Amazon products like S3, Amazon Personalize, and Eventbridge to build a foundation for meaningful and effective customer engagement strategies.

Braze has a long history of collaborating with AWS. In 2019, Braze achieved AWS Retail Competency status, which recognized the Braze platform’s ability to ensure secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient cloud infrastructure applications for retail customers. Braze also achieved AWS Travel and Hospitality Competency status as well as was named an AWS Digital Customer Experience (DCX) Competency Partner, thanks to our ability to help brands build relationships with their audiences across channels and platforms.

“Delivering real-time brand experiences to customers at scale is not easy,” says Matt McRoberts, SVP of Global Alliances at Braze. “It requires a dedicated team, innovative approach, and most importantly a best-in-class technology and services stack made up of built for purpose tools that are designed to seamlessly work together. The AWS cloud infrastructure allows Braze to offer brands incredible speed, scale, and agility to build stronger, meaningful relationships with customers.”

Interested in learning more? Check out how Lifesum drove high app return rates with personalized user journeys powered by Braze and AWS.

Team Braze

Team Braze

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