Braze Announcements

Community (for) Engagement: Introducing the Braze Bonfire Book Club

Todd Grennan By Todd Grennan Apr 16, 2020

Customer engagement is essential to your brand’s success, but gaining the knowledge and best practices needed to master it can be a difficult, lonely business. Whether you’re an email marketing manager trying to figure out how to build out true cross-channel campaigns, an engineer tasked with integrating new technologies into your brand’s marketing stack, or an executive looking for ways to drive stronger ROI in an increasingly competitive landscape, attaining real mastery takes research, discussion, and on-the-ground experience.

To help marketing, growth, and engagement teams—and the departments and stakeholders they work with—as they work toward marketing greatness, we decided to launch a new initiative focused on bringing together people and their insights to explore key questions and topics related to customer engagement.

Welcome to the Braze Bonfire Book Club

With the Braze Bonfire Book Club, members of the Braze community will meet every two weeks in our Braze Bonfire Slack community to hear from thought leaders in the space, talk about the challenges and opportunities of today’s customer engagement landscape, and help each other learn and grow.

This four-part, interactive discussion series is intended for marketers, growth team members, product folks, and anyone else interested in supporting brilliant customer experiences—and all the data, technology, and teamwork that it takes to make them actually happen. Building off the insights and best practices contained in our “Humanity in Action” customer engagement eBook, each session of the Braze Bonfire Book Club will focus on a different phase of today’s customer lifecycle—acquisition, engagement, retention, and loyalty & advocacy.

The first edition of the Braze Bonfire Book Club will take place on Tuesday, April 21 at 12pm EST and will focus on all the ins-and-outs of user acquisition. In this edition of the Braze Bonfire Book Club, we’ll be digging deep into acquisition strategies, tools, and best practices, and hearing on-the-ground acquisition insights from international food delivery service Delivery Hero. In subsequent weeks, we’ll be focusing on the following subjects:

  • Tuesday, May 5 — Engagement
  • Tuesday, May 12 — Retention
  • Tuesday, May 19 — Loyalty & Advocacy

Anything Else?

Interested in taking part? If you’re already a member of Braze Bonfire, you can ask questions and join the conversation within the #book-club channel in our Slack community. For those who aren’t yet members, get started by RSVPing here.

Todd Grennan

Todd Grennan

Todd Grennan is a New York-based writer and editor. When he's not writing about mobile marketing, customer retention and emerging technologies for Braze, you can find him trying to read his way through every Wikipedia article related to World War II.

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