Braze Announcements

Braze Included in 2019 Forrester Now Tech on Cross-Channel Campaign Management

Todd Grennan By Todd Grennan May 17, 2019

Today’s consumers are living in a cross-device, cross-platform, cross-channel world, a world where it’s no longer unusual for them to move from phone to computer to smart TV or to click on a push notification in the middle of checking their email. For brands, that’s made it increasingly important to be able to effectively reach those consumers on a variety of different messaging channels—otherwise, they risk providing out-of-date, disconnected brand experiences.

Given this evolution, we’re pleased to announce that Braze has been included in Forrester Research’s Now Tech: Cross-Channel Campaign Management, Q2 2019 report. This guide walks enterprise marketing technology buyers through the current cross-channel customer engagement landscape and provides key information about relevant technology vendors, including their size (in terms of annual revenue), geographic and industry focus, and sample customers.

At Braze, we’ve long understood the importance of using multiple channels in concert to effectively reach, engage, retain, and build relationships with your customers. That’s why we built a customer engagement platform that prioritized seamless cross-channel engagement right from the very beginning, making it possible for marketing, growth, and engagement teams to communicate with customers where they are with targeted, relevant messages.

Getting it right matters. Research conducted by Braze examined the engagement levels of more than 300 million users around the world and found a clear association between cross-channel messaging and stronger user engagement. According to Braze Research, sending messages in a single channel was associated with a 179% increase in engagement, compared to users who received no messages at all. However, brands that leveraged two or more messaging channels to communicate with their users saw engagement rates that were a massive 642% higher, highlighting the competitive advantage that cross-channel outreach represents for marketers.

To make those kind of results happen, you need to embrace a cross-channel mindset in your marketing efforts…and you need a customer engagement platform that’s capable of supporting impactful messaging campaigns across channels. For hundreds of leading brands, the technology that makes true cross-channel marketing possible is Braze. Our customers have seen staggering results by leveraging all that Braze platform as to offer. We’ve helped language learning brand busuu increase their direct opens by 70% and made it possible for global freelance services marketplace Fiverr to test and optimize a mobile/web/email cross-channel campaign to identify a campaign variant that boosted revenue by 20.9%.

Both these success stories featured smart marketers leveraging the cross-channel capabilities built into the Braze platform to provide their customers with a more relevant, impactful brand experience—and both included email as a key messaging channel. Email’s a unique channel, a battle-tested outreach option that straddles the desktop/mobile device and can do a lot to make mobile and web messages even more effective.

At Braze, we see email as one of the most significant customer engagement tools out there, one that’s still growing and changing as technology and consumer behavior evolves. To learn more about the important role that email can play in your cross-channel engagement strategy in the era of mobility and AI, check out our exclusive look at next-generation email.

Todd Grennan

Todd Grennan

Todd Grennan is a New York-based writer and editor. When he's not writing about mobile marketing, customer retention and emerging technologies for Braze, you can find him trying to read his way through every Wikipedia article related to World War II.

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