New Features: Expanded News Feed Card Types and Enhanced Push

Team Braze By Team Braze Nov 12, 2013

Hot off the heels of our major funding announcement, we have more good news to share. Our latest features have launched, which include additional News Feed Card types and enhanced push notifications.

Expanded News Feed Card Types
We have two new in-app News Feed Cards that launched this week for both iOS and Android apps.

Here’s how they look:

Banner followed by captioned image card


In total there are now four kinds of cards (news items, captioned image, banner, cross promotion) that appear in the News Feed and can be targeted at customized segments. Choose the format that best highlights your content and results in the highest engagement.

Enhanced Push
Our latest change to push campaigns include support for sounds and key/value pairs for both iOS and Android apps. Key/value pairs unlock new capabilities for push, including content tracking and deep linking. See a screenshot below, or watch this video for a thorough demo.


If you have any questions or feedback don’t hesitate to email us at [email protected].

Team Braze

Team Braze