There’s never been a better time to be a better marketer.

Data is flowing and channels are growing. Customers are demanding the world, while AI is already transforming it. Manage it all with the right customer engagement platform.

Made to Scale with Companies of All Sizes

Customers don’t have campaigns, they have conversations.

A majority of customers want personalized experiences from companies. Absolutely none of them want to be sold to. That’s why the move from totally-siloed campaigns to fully-orchestrated journeys is so darn important. Here’s how we’re helping organizations on their journey.

Data done right

Start building stronger first-party relationships.

Customers are giving you their data. What are you giving them in return? How about highly personalized, customized experiences? 
With Braze, you can.

Braze Data Platform

AI for Growth

Employ Sage AI by Braze™, the world’s smartest marketing advisor.

As you learn Braze, Sage AI learns your brand, helping you to create on-brand content and creative, personalize journeys, and double down on winning strategies that multiply returns.

Sage AI by Braze

Build a Better Path

Manage campaigns. Move to journey orchestration.

No matter where you are today, highly-intelligent, always-on journey orchestration is where you’ll want to be tomorrow. See how Braze is helping brands of all sizes modernize their marketing approach.

Journey Orchestration

Cross-Channel Your Creativity

Never be on fewer channels than your customers.

Whether you start with email or another channel, you’ll want to keep expanding to keep up with customers. See how cross-channel marketing on a single platform can drive revenue and steer your team toward the future.

Cross-Channel Messaging

As Real Time As It Gets.

Understand the real price of not operating in real time.

It’s a simple fact: Batch-and-blast campaigns leave money on the table. Discover the ROI-generating power of just-in-time, just-for-you messaging. Delivered with sub-second speed.

How Braze Works

Growth. Simply and Securely Delivered.

Secure in the now, steeled for what comes next.

Whether it’s advancements in global privacy and security regulations, or your own influx of data, we take pride in keeping you safe as you create, test and grow. Learn more about how we keep our customers ahead of the compliance and scalability curves.

Scale without Fail

Your brand has a message, how you deliver it matters.

Hear from brands who are using Braze to find a voice that is now finding its way to customers.

“We’ve been really impressed with how Braze has enabled us to advance our customer communication strategies across email, SMS and mobile channels. The cross-channel integrations and targeting capabilities continue to be crucial as we look forward to 2021 and beyond. We are honored to be Braze’s Customer of the Year!”

Victoria Mitchell Manager of CRM Channel Strategy


Increase in revenue


Increase in transactions

Dive into the craft of customer engagement.

Any skill worth learning requires knowledge, inspiration and of course the right technology. Find it all here and start building your craft.

See our industry and customer recognitions.

Join the movement to journey orchestration.

The move to highly-intelligent, always-on journey orchestration is happening. And much of it is happening on our platform. Join brands of all sizes who are taking the craft of customer engagement to the next level.