A (Fictional) Marketer Explores Segmentation: Build Some Preference Segments

Published on December 05, 2020/Last edited on December 05, 2020/2 min read

A (Fictional) Marketer Explores Segmentation: Build Some Preference Segments
Team Braze

Miguel replies back with a *head desk* emoji and returns to his brain dump segmentation ideas he’d made back when they were still in the SDK implementation phase. He had a bunch of ideas around preference-based segments that he’s now ready to build out for real.

He starts with the easy ones: Channel Preferences. Braze has a nifty feature called Intelligent Channel that allows him to filter on a user’s preferred channel. And, since he knows there is a lot of channel opt-in overlap between email and push, he knows these will be super useful to avoid bombarding their engaged users with redundant messaging. Here’s what those segments look like:

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Then he turned to the harder stuff: behavior-based preferences informed by Calorie Rocket’s custom events. The data science team had it on their roadmap to build out machine-learning powered affinity groups based on past behaviors, demographics, and more...but they weren’t quite there yet (tbh, they maybe never would be). So Miguel decided to get experimental and map out some of his own, mostly basic segments based on some adjustable assumptions. For example, he made a Pizza Lovers Lately segment, which used the audience filter X Custom Event Property in Y Days to highlight customers who’d ordered a pizza in the last seven days.

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Then he could slice and dice that segment in location-specific promotional campaigns and have the most relevant restaurant or menu items pulled in through a Connected Content call! But before he did that...Miguel decided it would be helpful just to know the size of different category preferences, and then he could brainstorm from there.

Miguel is pumped to keep going, thanks to all your help!

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