
Big Month at Braze: Uninstall Tracking for Android and Improved Search

By Swati Teerdhala Apr 11, 2018

At Braze (formerly Appboy), we’re focused on building the best customer engagement platform out there, supporting brilliant messaging experiences across devices, channels, and platforms. What does that mean for you? That we’re constantly innovating and improving upon our product so that you never miss out on an opportunity to connect with your customers.

Here’s what we’ve been up to this month:

Cross-Channel Personalization

Driving customer engagement is a priority for brands—and you can’t get a full picture of how your efforts are performing without an understanding of when customers are disengaging. That’s where our Uninstall Tracking for Campaigns comes in. This feature, which allows brands to monitor app uninstalls, is now enabled by default for all Android apps. This means there’s no SDK or device-side work necessary to access uninstall details, making it easier for you to stay on top of your engagement. If you previously added an Android app that didn’t have Uninstall Tracking turned on, you’ll automatically begin seeing Uninstall Tracking data soon—there is no action needed on your end to take advantage of this feature.

Optimization is vital for driving engagement and a key factor is whether you’re able to understand the opportunity cost of changes you make as part of your customer engagement strategy. Uninstall tracking is a powerful way to gain insights into your customers’ behavior, positive or negative.

Data Agility and Management


improved dashboard search function

You asked, and we listened! At Braze, feedback is important to us and we heard you loud and clear, so we’ve added more tagging and search fields to allow you to find the information you need faster than ever within the Braze dashboard.

This update will allow you to easily find email templates, events, purchases and customer attributes, and other things within the dashboard, saving you time and effort on large-scale campaigns. So take all that extra time and focus it on building brilliant experiences for your customers.

Anything else?

Keep checking back here to stay up to date on releases, updates, and announcements now, and throughout the rest of the year. In the meantime, check out our new and improved Braze Quarterly Roundup to see what we’ve been up to as a company.

Swati Teerdhala

Swati Teerdhala works in Product Marketing at Braze. In her free time, you can find her writing, reading, or eating her way through NYC.

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