Behind Web Push [Part 4]: How to Make the Most of Web Push

Published on January 31, 2020/Last edited on January 31, 2020/2 min read

Behind Web Push [Part 4]: How to Make the Most of Web Push
Todd Grennan
Managing Editor, Content Marketing at Braze

What makes web push a powerful customer engagement tool? The fact that this channel both is and isn’t like the rest of your customer engagement tools.

Unlike traditional push notifications, in-app messages, and other mobile messaging channels, web push notifications give you the ability to target messages to your web audience—even if those users aren’t currently on your website. But while that functionality is a key, key part of the importance of web push, the fact that messages in this channel can be targeted and personalized the same way that mobile app messages can make it possible for marketing, growth, and engagement teams to take web messaging beyond batch-and-blast and use it to support the kinds of responsive, customized communications that power strong customer/brand relationships.

These capabilities are all built on data—and what kind of data you have access to will determine what’s possible when it comes to web push. For brands that have websites that allow users to login, it’s possible to create highly customized campaigns based on each web visitor’s unique attributes and activities, including:

  • Name
  • Language
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Purchase history
  • Messaging engagement history
  • And more…

Because of its ability to reach beyond the website and grab web visitors’ attention, web push is a great channel for urgent and time-sensitive messages, and for communicating simple things in a clear, effective way. That makes it a good fit for:

  • Promotional campaigns, including ticket release and sale announcements
  • Re-engagement campaigns targeted at web users
  • Preference-driven campaigns (like messaging users when a favorited band has a concert in their area or when an item on their wishlist has dropped in price)
  • Abandoned cart campaigns
  • Delivery notification campaigns
  • And more!

With the right data and the right strategy, web push can be a big part of your customer engagement mix, and help support stronger relationships and higher ROI in connection with your web presence.

Anything else?

Looking to learn more about web push? Check out:

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