Two puzzle pieces with logos representing marketing and tech teams

Customer Engagement

How Marketers and Technical Teams Can Get It Right with LTK and VSCO

Team Braze By Team Braze Mar 29, 2024

In today’s digital-first landscape, seamless collaboration between marketers and technical teams has gone from a nice-to-have to an absolute necessity. During our Forge 2023 conference, we sat down with leaders from LTK and VSCO to uncover insights on how top brands are strategically aligning their marketing teams with their technical counterparts to drive growth and elevate the customer experience.

1. The Art of Collaboration

It’s not enough for marketers to have a creative vision—they need to be supported with the right technology and resources to achieve it. This observation isn't just about identifying differences, it's about recognizing the potential for these distinct viewpoints to complement and enhance each other, fueling innovation and pushing engagement to new heights.

The path to achieving such a harmonious collaboration doesn’t happen by chance. It’s made possible through deliberate and strategic efforts aimed at mutual understanding and shared objectives.

2. Building a Common Language

The journey toward unity begins with establishing a shared vocabulary and company-wide goals. Steve Rigby, Braze SME and Front Engineer at LTK, emphasized the crucial role of knowledge-sharing to demystify technical tools for its marketing team, explaining "I built out a really extensive suite of documentation to center our teams around common tools and goals.”

3. Championing Shared Ownership

At VSCO, the ethos of shared ownership over engagement platforms was more than just a policy; it was a culture. Nisha Mehta, Senior Manager of Lifecycle Marketing at VSCO, explained, "It was an engagement platform that everyone in the company should have ownership over," underscoring the belief that when everyone is vested in the process and outcomes, collaboration naturally flourishes.

When VSCO embarked on a significant platform transition moving users from mobile to desktop, they took a holistic strategy that married marketing's ability to reach customers with technical savvy. This achievement wasn't just a technical execution, but ensured a smooth transition for users and setting a new benchmark for digital adaptation.

Final Thoughts

The insights from LTK and VSCO show a path forward for brands striving to marry the art of marketing with the science of technology. As we navigate today’s ever-evolving digital terrain, the fusion of these disciplines is not just advantageous but indispensable for crafting strategies that resonate with customers and drive meaningful growth. In embracing shared goals, cultivating mutual understanding, and celebrating joint achievements, we unlock the full potential of our collaborative efforts.

Want to learn how other leading brands and digital professionals are finding synergies across their organizations? Access more highlights from this year’s Forge conference.

Ready to get inspired this year? Save the date for Forge 24.

Team Braze

Team Braze

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