
A (Fictional) Marketer Explores Segmentation: Check out Segmentation Enhancements

Team Braze By Team Braze Dec 8, 2020

Miguel audibly gasped when he got your reply. He hadn’t dug up these fancy, new Segmentation Enhancements in his initial research. Now he can build truly next-level audiences...which is exactly what he asked for, you sly dog.

Basically, Segmentation Enhancements allow Miguel to build even more precise segments that look back over longer periods of time. With this handy feature, he can drill down further to target users who have completed a custom event or made a purchase any number of times in the last year!

Reading through all of this has him dreaming big for the future again. Like a segment of churning customers who haven't made a purchase in the last 3 months, or sushi lovers who've placed more than 10 orders in the last 6 months (mmm Philadelphia rolls), or the evangelists who've referred more than 4 friends to the app over the past year.

But since he’s only been using Braze for a month or so...he’s decided to put these away for a later date. A man can dream. And thanks to you, Miguel is dreaming big.

Team Braze

Team Braze

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