DataGrail is the leading privacy management platform for building consumer trust and eliminating risky business.
With continuous system detection and automated data subject request (DSR) fulfillment, DataGrail powers privacy programs. Companies like Overstock, Okta, DataBricks, and Salesforce use DataGrail to support compliance with evolving privacy laws and regulations, like GDPR, CCPA, and CPRA.
Braze leverages personally identifiable data to drive personalized messaging. That data is protected under data privacy laws, which is where the DataGrail integration comes in. Our mutual customers can:
Detect consumer data that is collected and stored within Braze to quickly process DSRs (access, delete, and do-not-sell requests) and comply with global privacy regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and CPRA.
Rely on an accurate blueprint of where consumer data lives in your organization with automated data mapping — no more surveys or spreadsheets needed to maintain a privacy framework or produce a record of processing activities (RoPA).
Our platform is designed for flexible, easy integration so you can build solutions that solve customer challenges and accelerate business growth.
Become a Technology PartnerAgencies, consultants, and systems integrators build robust service offerings with Braze.
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