
Take Your Mobile Marketing Global With Appboy Internationalization

Todd Grennan By Todd Grennan Jun 2, 2015


Intimate in scope, but global in reach. That’s the power of mobile. The ubiquity of devices and their 24/7, personal nature has given marketers a unique opportunity to boost user engagement, conversions and build relationships with users all around the world, no matter where they are or what they’re doing. But taking advantage of that potential requires apps to understand their users more than ever before and to draw on that understanding to create campaigns that are relevant and valuable to each and every user.

To support that effort, we’re pleased to announce Appboy internationalization. This exciting new feature allows users of our Mobile Marketing Automation platform to seamlessly distribute messages in a wide variety of different languages for a global audience. In conjunction with existing Appboy features like personalization and Connected Content, internationalization draws on our platform’s robust user profiles to make it possible for marketers to automatically customize not just the content of their messages to users, but the language they’re delivered in.

Many of Appboy’s customers, particularly our base of enterprise clients, already have an international global presence and will benefit from the flexibility, responsiveness and time-savings that this feature provides. One customer has already used this important new capability to quickly and easily send messages to users in 27 distinct languages as part of a single mobile messaging campaign, removing the need to set up dozens of near-identical communications. Appboy clients can send internationalized multi-channel campaigns using the platform’s full spectrum of communication options – push notifications, email, News Feed Cards and in-app messages. That kind of functionality isn’t just important for large firms – for many small mobile-first companies, Appboy internationalization will play an essential role in allowing their limited staff to effectively communicate with a disproportionately large user base that’s spread around the world.

Ensuring that you’re reaching the users you want to be reaching in the language that they prefer does more than just bolster the intimacy of this important medium – it makes the rest of the work you do in conceiving and customizing your marketing worthwhile. After all, a carefully crafted, personalized push notification that’s sent in English to a user who only speaks Spanish shows little consideration for his/her brand experience. To make sure that doesn’t happen, Appboy’s rich user profiles can recognize and store nearly 1,000 languages, keeping your outreach readable in every corner of the earth.

For more information on Appboy’s internationalization features and how they can make your mobile marketing more effective, check out Appboy Academy’s guide to sending campaigns in multiple languages.

Todd Grennan

Todd Grennan

Todd Grennan is a New York-based writer and editor. When he's not writing about mobile marketing, customer retention and emerging technologies for Braze, you can find him trying to read his way through every Wikipedia article related to World War II.

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