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Segment for Currents

Segment is a customer data platform that helps you collect, clean, and activate your customer data. This reference article will give an overview of the connection between Braze Currents and Segment and describe requirements and processes for proper implementation and usage.

The Braze and Segment integration allows you to leverage Braze Currents to export your Braze events to Segment to drive deeper analytics into conversions, retention, and product usage.



Step 1: Obtain Segment write key

In your Segment dashboard, select your Segment source. Next, go to Settings > API keys. Here you will find the Segment Write Key.

Step 2: Create a new Currents connector

  1. In Braze, navigate to Partner Integrations > Data Export.
  2. Click + Create New Current > Segment Data Export.
  3. Next, provide an integration name, contact email, Segment write key, and Segment region.

The Segment Currents page in Braze. Here, you can find fields for integration name, contact email, segment region, and API key.

Step 3: Export message engagement events

Next, select the message engagement events you would like to export. Reference the following export events and properties table listed. All events sent to Segment will include the user’s external_user_id as the userId and the user’s braze_id as the anonymousId.

Keep in mind, Braze only sends event data for users without an external_user_id if Include events from anonymous users is checked.

List of all available message engagement events on the Segment Currents page in Braze.

Lastly, select Launch Current.

To read more, visit Segment documentation.

Updating your Current

To update your Currents connector after launching, do the following:

  1. In Braze, navigate to Partner Integrations > Data Export.
  2. Locate and your Currents connector in the list.
  3. Select  Edit.
  4. Make your changes.
  5. Select Update Current.

This will not stop your existing export and will begin sending events according to your new selection.

Supported Currents events

Braze supports exporting the following data listed in the Currents user behavior and message engagement event glossaries to Segment:


  • Uninstall: users.behaviors.Uninstall
  • Subscription (global state change): users.behaviors.subscription.GlobalStateChange
  • Subscription group (state change): users.behaviors.subscriptiongroup.StateChange


  • Abort: users_campaigns_abort
  • Conversion: users.campaigns.Conversion
  • EnrollinControl: users.campaigns.EnrollInControl


  • Abort: users_canvas_abort
  • Conversion: users.canvas.Conversion
  • Entry: users.canvas.Entry
  • Exit (matched audience, performed event)
    • users.canvas.exit.MatchedAudience
    • users.canvas.exit.PerformedEvent
  • Experiment Step (conversion, split entry)
    • users.canvas.experimentstep.Conversion
    • users.canvas.experimentstep.SplitEntry


  • Content Card (abort, click, dismiss, impression, send)
    • users.messages.contentcard.Abort
    • users.messages.contentcard.Click
    • users.messages.contentcard.Dismiss
    • users.messages.contentcard.Impression
    • users.messages.contentcard.Send
  • Email (abort, bounce, click, delivery, markasspam, open, send, softbounce, unsubscribe)
  • In-app message (abort, click, impression)
    • users.messages.inappmessage.Abort
    • users.messages.inappmessage.Click
    • users.messages.inappmessage.Impression
  • Push notification (abort, bounce, iOSforeground, open, send)
    • users.messages.pushnotification.Abort
    • users.messages.pushnotification.Bounce
    • users.messages.pushnotification.IosForeground
    • users.messages.pushnotification.Open
    • users.messages.pushnotification.Send
  • SMS (abort, carrier send, delivery, delivery failure, inbound receive, rejection, send, short link click)
    • users.messages.sms.Abort
    • users.messages.sms.Delivery
    • users.messages.sms.DeliveryFailure
    • users.messages.sms.InboundReceive
    • users.messages.sms.Rejection
    • users.messages.sms.Send
    • users.messages.sms.ShortLinkClick
  • Webhook (abort, send)
    • users.messages.webhook.Abort
    • users.messages.webhook.Send
  • WhatsApp (abort, delivery, failure, inbound receive, read, send)
    • users.messages.whatsapp.Abort
    • users.messages.whatsapp.Delivery
    • users.messages.whatsapp.Failure
    • users.messages.whatsapp.InboundReceive
    • users.messages.whatsapp.Read
    • users.messages.whatsapp.Send
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