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RudderStack for Currents

RudderStack enables you to collect, transform, and activate your customer data across your stack, leveraging your cloud data warehouse as the central source of truth. This article gives an overview of how to set up a connection between Braze Currents and RudderStack.

The Braze and RudderStack integration allows you to leverage Braze Currents to export your Braze events to RudderStack to drive deeper analytics.



Step 1: Create a data source for Braze within RudderStack

First, you must create a Braze source on the RudderStack web app. Instructions for creating a data source can be found on the RudderStack site.

Once completed, RudderStack will provide a webhook URL, including the write key, which you will need to use in the next step. You can find the webhook URL in the Settings tab of your Braze source.

Step 2: Create Current

In Braze, navigate to Currents > + Create Current > RudderStack Export. Provide an integration name, contact email, RudderStack webhook URL (which goes in the key field), and RudderStack region.

Step 3: Export events

Next, select the events you would like to export. Lastly, click Launch Current

All events sent to RudderStack will include the user’s external_user_id. At this time, Braze does not send event data to RudderStack for users who do not have their external_user_id set.

Integration details

Braze supports exporting all data listed in the Currents event glossaries to RudderStack.

The payload structure for exported data is the same as the payload structure for custom HTTP connectors, which can be viewed in the examples repository for custom HTTP connectors.

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