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Release Notes

This is where you can find all updates to the Braze platform, with the following most recent platform updates.

Most recent Braze release notes

Braze releases information on product updates on a monthly cadence, aligning with major Product Releases, though the product is updated with miscellaneous improvements week to week.

For more information on any of the updates listed in this section, reach out to your account manager or open a support ticket. You can also check out our SDK Changelogs to see more information on our monthly SDK releases, updates, and improvements.

July 23, 2024 release

Braze Docs updates

Diátaxis and Braze Docs

We’re in the process of standardizing our documentation using a framework called Diátaxis. To help our writers and contributors create content that fits into this new framework, we’ve created templates for each content type.

New pull-request template for Braze Docs

We took the time to improve our pull-request (PR) template so it’s easier and less confusing to contribute to Braze Docs. If you still think there’s room for improvement, open up a PR or submit an issue. Whatever’s easier!

Data flexibility

Export custom events and attributes

General availability

Exporting through the /custom_attributes and /events API endpoints is no longer in early access.

New Currents permissions for users

There are two new permission settings for users: View Currents Integrations and Edit Currents Integrations. Learn more about user permissions here.

Update to Snowflake data retention policy

Beginning August 27th, personally identifiable information (PII) will be removed from all Snowflake Secure Data Sharing events data that is older than two years old. If you use Snowflake, you may choose to retain the full events data in your environment by storing a copy in your Snowflake account before the retention policy is applied. To learn more, see Snowflake data retention.

Unlocking creativity

Multi-page in-app messages

General availability

Adding pages to your in-app message lets you guide users through a sequential flow, like an onboarding flow or welcome journey. To learn more, see Creating an in-app message with drag-and-drop.

General availability

Use Liquid to personalize URLs to automatically shorten URLs contained in SMS messages and collect click-through-rate analytics. To try it out, see Link shortening.

API examples for catalogs

We’ve added examples for the /catalogs endpoint using array fields. To see the examples, check out the following:

Robust channels

Multiple WhatsApp Business accounts

General availability

You can now add multiple WhatsApp Business accounts and subscription groups (and phone numbers) to each workspace. For details, see Multiple WhatsApp Business accounts.

SMS Geographic Permissions

SMS Geographic Permissions enhance security and protect against fraudulent SMS traffic by enforcing controls on the countries to which you can send SMS messages. To learn how to specify an allowlist of countries so you can make sure SMS messages are only sent to approved regions, see Configuring your SMS country allowlist.

LINE and Braze


LINE is the most popular messaging app in Japan, with over 95 million monthly active users. You can integrate your LINE accounts with Braze to leverage your zero- and first-party customer data to send compelling LINE messages to the right customers based on their preferences, behaviors, and cross-channel interactions. To get started, see LINE.

Shopify: Price drops and back-in-stock

Early access

Now with Shopify, you can create custom notifications for price drops and back-in-stock items.

AI and ML automation

Rules-based merging for duplicate users

Previoulsy, you could find and merge duplicate users in Braze individually or in bulk. Now you can create rules to control how duplicates are resolved, so the most relevant user is kept. To learn more, see Rules-based merging.

AI Liquid assistant


The Sage AI Liquid Assistant is a chat assistant powered by Sage AI that helps generate the Liquid you need to personalize message content. You can generate Liquid from templates, receive personalized Liquid suggestions, and optimize existing Liquid with the support of Sage AI. The AI Liquid Assistant also provides annotations explaining the Liquid used, so you can increase your understanding of Liquid and learn to write your own.

To get started, see AI Liquid assistant.


Android SDK logs

We overhauled the logging docs for the Braze Android SDK, so it’s easier to read and use in your app. We also added descriptions for each log level.

iOS SDK foreground push notifications

The subscribeToUpdates method in the Braze iOS SDK can now detect if a foreground push notification is received. To learn more, see iOS push notification integration.

Updating the Xamarin docs

Since version 4.0.0, the Braze Xamarin SDK uses the Swift SDK binding, so we updated the code snippets and reference material. We also restructured the section to make it easier to read and understand. To check it out, see the Xamarin docs.

SDK updates

The following SDK updates have been released. Breaking updates are listed below; all other updates can be found by checking the corresponding SDK changelogs.

June 25, 2024 release

Japanese docs

We now support the Japanese language for Braze Docs!

The Braze Docs site displaying the Japanese interface

Data flexibility

Attachments for API-triggered campaigns

General availability

The /campaigns/trigger/send endpoint now supports attachments (just like the /messages/send endpoint supports attachments for emails).

Additional data warehouse support

Early access

Braze Cloud Data Ingestion (CDI) now supports BigQuery, Databricks, Redshift, and Snowflake.

WhatsApp phone number migration

Migrate your WhatsApp phone number between WhatsApp Business Accounts by using Meta’s Embedded Signup. Read more about WhatsApp phone number migration.

Unlocking creativity

Engagement by Device

General availability

The new Engagement by Device report provides a breakdown of what devices your users are using to engage with your email. This data tracks email engagement across mobile, desktop, tablet, and other device types. Learn more about the report and the Email Performance Dashboard.

WhatsApp and SMS Liquid properties in Canvas flow

General availability

We added support for WhatsApp and SMS Liquid properties in Canvas flow. Now, when an Action Path step contains a “Sent an SMS Inbound Message” or “Sent a WhatsApp Inbound Message” trigger, the subsequent Canvas steps can include an SMS or WhatsApp Liquid property. This mirrors how event properties work in Canvas Flow. This way you can leverage your messages to save and reference first-party data on user profiles and conversational messaging.

Personalized Paths in recurring Canvases

Early access

Personalized Paths in Canvases let you personalize any point of a Canvas journey for individual users based on conversion likelihood. Now, Personalized Paths are available for recurring Canvases. Learn more about Personalized Variants.

Segments troubleshooting

Working with segments? Here are some troubleshooting steps and considerations to keep in mind.

Liquid highlighting

We improved the color-coding that Liquid uses to better support accessibility guidelines.

Robust channels

SMS geographic permissions

Early access

SMS geographic permissions enhance security and protect against fraudulent SMS traffic by enforcing controls on the countries to which you can send SMS messages. Admins can now specify an allowlist of countries to make sure that SMS messages are only sent to approved regions. For more information, see SMS Geographic Permissions.

The "Country allowlist" dropdown with the most common countries displaying at the top.

Best practices for SMS/MMS

Learn more about best practices for SMS/MMS with Braze, including our recommendations for opt-out monitoring and traffic pumping.

Tracking push unsubscribes

Check out our new help article for some tips to track push unsubscribes.

Shopify checkout.liquid deprecation

Please note that support for Shopify checkout.liquid will begin deprecation in August 2024 and finish in August 2025. Read more about how Braze will handle this transition.

SDK updates

The following SDK updates have been released. Breaking updates are listed below; all other updates can be found by checking the corresponding SDK changelogs.

  • Swift SDK 9.3.0
    • Deprecates the existing Feature Flag APIs, to be removed in a future version:
      • Braze.FeatureFlag.jsonStringProperty(key:) has been deprecated.
      • Braze.FeatureFlag.jsonObjectProperty(key:) has been deprecated in favor of Braze.FeatureFlag.jsonProperty(key:).
  • Roku SDK 2.2.0
  • Braze Expo Plugin 2.1.2

tvOS documentation

A few months ago, the articles for tvOS Content Cards and in-app messaging were deprecated by mistake. These docs have now been republished under the Swift section in Braze Docs.

May 28, 2024 release

Visual updates to documentation site

You may have noticed our documentation website has a snazzy new look! We’ve revamped it to reflect the new vibrant Braze brand identity. For a behind-the-scenes look at our new brand, read more at Unveiling Our New Brand: A Conversation with Braze Executive Creative Director Greg Erdelyi.

Support for Portuguese and Spanish

General availability

Braze is now available in both Portuguese and Spanish. To change the language the Braze dashboard appears in, refer to Language settings.

Robust channels

Multi-language settings

General availability

By adjusting multi-language settings, you can target users in different languages and locations with different messages all within a single email message. To edit and manage multi-language support, you must have the “Manage Multi-Language Settings” user permission. To add the locale to a message, you’ll need permissions for editing campaigns.

Message-level one-click list-unsubscribe header

General availability

The one-click unsubscribe for the list-unsubscribe header (RFC 8058) provides an easy way for recipients to opt-out from emails. You can adjust this header setting to be applied at a message level in your emails. For more information on this setting, refer to Email unsubscribe header in workspaces.

About email sanitization

Visit our new sanitization article to learn more about the process that occurs when Braze detects a specific type of JavaScript in your email message. Its main purpose is to prevent bad actors from accessing other Braze dashboard users’ session data.

Inclusion count for Content Blocks

After adding a Content Block in an active campaign or Canvas, you can preview this Content Block from the Content Blocks Library by hovering over the Content Block and selecting the Preview icon.

Canvas statuses

On the Braze dashboard, your Canvases are grouped by their status. Check out the different Canvas statuses and descriptions for what they mean.

AI and ML automation

Brand guidelines for AI copywriting assistant

General availability

You can now create and apply brand guidelines to customize the style of copy generated by the AI copywriting assistant to fit your brand’s voice. Set up multiple guidelines for different scenarios to ensure your tone always matches the context.

New Braze partnerships

Adikteev - Analytics

The Braze and Adikteev integration allows you to boost user retention by leveraging Adikteev’s churn prediction technology within Braze CRM campaigns to target high-risk user segments in priority.

Celebrus - Analytics

The Braze and Celebrus integration seamlessly integrates with the Braze SDK across web and mobile app channels, facilitating the population of Braze with channel activity data. This includes comprehensive insights into visitor traffic across digital assets over specified periods.

IAM Studio - Message Templates

With the Braze and IAM Studio integration, you can easily insert customizable in-app message templates into your Braze in-app messages, offering image replacement, text modification, deep link settings, custom attributes, and event settings. Using IAM Studio, you can reduce message production time and dedicate more time to content planning.

Regal - Instant Chat

By integrating Braze and Regal, you can create a more consistent and personalized experience across all your customer touchpoints.

Treasure Data - Cohort Import

With the Braze and Treasure Data integration, you can import user cohorts from Treasure Data to Braze so you can send targeted campaigns based on data that may only exist in your warehouse.

Zapier - Workflow Automation

The Braze and Zapier partnership leverages the Braze API and Braze webhooks to connect with third-party applications to automate various actions.

SDK updates

The following SDK updates have been released. Breaking updates are listed below; all other updates can be found by checking the corresponding SDK changelogs.

April 30, 2024 release

Permissions to create or update promotion code lists

As of April 2024, users will need the “Access Campaigns, Canvases, Cards, Segments, Media Library” permission to create or update promotion code lists. Refer to Managing limited and team role permissions for a list of permission names and their descriptions.

Data flexibility

SAML just-in-time provisioning

Early access

Just-in-time provisioning works with SAML SSO to allow new dashboard users to create a Braze account on their first sign in. This eliminates the need for administrators to manually create an account for a new dashboard user, choose their permissions, assign them to a workspace, and wait for them to activate their account.

Permission sets and roles

Use permission sets to bundle permissions related to specific subject areas or actions. These permission sets can be applied to dashboard users who need the same access across different workspaces.

Cloud Data Ingestion Segments

Braze Cloud Data Ingestion segments allow you to write SQL that directly queries your own data warehouse by using data made available via your CDI connections, and create a group of users that can be targeted within Braze.

Unlocking creativity

Query Builder templates

General availability

Using Query Builder templates, you can create reports using Braze data from Snowflake. To access Query Builder templates, select Query Template when creating a report. All templates surface data from up to the last 60 days, but you can directly edit that and other values in the editor.

Performance data by segment

General availability

You can break down performance data by segment in Query Builder report templates for campaigns, variants, and Canvases and Canvas steps by segments.

Robust channels

General availability

Use automatic link shortening to automatically shorten static URLs in your response. This can help shape your response as the character counter will update to show the expected length of the shortened URL.

New Braze partnerships

Friendbuy - Loyalty

Leverage the integration between Braze and Friendbuy to expand your email and SMS capabilities while effortlessly automating your referral and loyalty program communications. Braze will generate customer profiles for all the opted-in phone numbers collected via Friendbuy.

NiftyImages - Dynamic Content

The Braze and NiftyImages partnership allows you to create dynamic and personalized images for your email campaigns by mapping your existing Braze personalization tags to your NiftyImages URLs.

SDK updates

The following SDK updates have been released. Breaking updates are listed below; all other updates can be found by checking the corresponding SDK changelogs.

April 2, 2024 release


Multiple business accounts

Now you can add multiple WhatsApp Business accounts and subscription groups to each workspace. For a full walkthrough, see Multiple WhatsApp Business accounts and phone numbers.

Read rates

WhatsApp is testing new approaches, starting with consumers in India, to create more valuable experiences and maximize engagement with businesses’ marketing conversations. This may include limiting the number of marketing conversations a person receives from any business in a given period, starting with a small number of conversations that are less likely to be read. For more information, see Meta resources.

Data flexibility

Sync Amazon S3 buckets to Braze

Early access

You can now use Cloud Data Ingestion for S3 to directly integrate one or more S3 buckets in your AWS account with Braze. When new files are published to S3, a message is posted to SQS, and Braze Cloud Data Ingestion takes in those new files. For more information, see File storage integrations.

Shopify OAuth

General availability

Shopify is a leading global commerce company providing trusted tools to start, grow, market, and manage a retail business of any size. Now when you set up Shopify for Braze, you can enable OAuth for your workspace.

Use Expo for iOS push notifications

We added instructions for integrating rich push notifications and Push Stories into your iOS app using Expo with React Native.

Remote start iOS live activities

Now you can remote start your live activities on iOS using the /messages/live_activity/start endpoint. For a full walkthrough, see Live Activities: Start an Activity.

AI and ML automation

Item recommendations

Early access

With Sage AI by Braze, you can now calculate the most popular products or create personalized AI recommendations for a specific catalog. For more information, see About item recommendations.

QA in-app message content

General availability

Previously, you could perform quality assurance on your SMS and push notification content using Sage AI in the Braze dashboard. Now, you can QA in-app message content too.

New Braze partnerships

Census - Cohort Import

You can now import cohort users from Braze to Census, a data activation platform that connects cloud data warehouses like Snowflake and BigQuery to Braze. Your marketing teams can unlock the power of their first-party data to build dynamic audience segments, sync customer attributes to personalize campaigns, and keep all their data in Braze up-to-date.

SDK updates

The following SDK updates have been released. Breaking updates are listed below; all other updates can be found by checking the corresponding SDK changelogs.

  • React Native 9.1.0
    • Updated the minimum React Native version to 0.71.0.
    • Updated the minimum iOS version to 12.0.
    • Updated the iOS bindings to use Braze Swift SDK 8.1.0.
    • Updated the Android bindings to use Braze Android SDK 30.1.1.

March 5, 2024 release

Google is updating their EU User Consent Policy in response to changes to the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which is in effect as of March 6, 2024. This new change requires advertisers to disclose certain information to their EEA and UK end users, as well as obtain necessary consents from them. As part of this upcoming change, you can collect both consent signals in Braze as custom attributes. Braze will sync the data from these custom attributes to the appropriate consent fields in Google.

Data flexibility

Merge duplicate users

Early access

In the Braze dashboard, you can now search for and merge duplicate users to maximize the effectiveness of your campaigns and Canvases. You can individually merge user profiles or perform a bulk merge, which merges all profiles with matching identifiers into the most recently updated user profile.

Search for archived content

In the Braze dashboard, you can now include archived content in your search results by selecting Show Archived Content.

Message archiving support for AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage

You can use message archiving to save a copy of your messages sent to users for archival or compliance purposes to your AWS S3 bucket, Azure Blob Storage container or Google Cloud Storage bucket.

SQL table reference

Visit the SQL table reference to see the tables and columns available to be queried in the Query Builder or when generating SQL Segment Extensions.

Unlocking creativity

Tone control for AI copywriting

You can now choose a message tone to determine the style of the copy generated with the AI copywriting assistant.

Robust channels

Card creation

You can choose when Braze evaluates audience eligibility and personalization for new Content Card campaigns and Canvas steps by specifying when the card is created.

Preview user paths

General availability

Experience the Canvas journey you’ve created for your users, including previewing the timing and messages they will receive. These test runs act as quality assurance that your messages are sent to the right audience, all before sending the Canvas.

Quick push campaigns

General availability

When creating a push campaign in Braze, you can select multiple platforms and devices to craft one message for all platforms in a single editing experience called quick push. This feature is only available for campaigns.

Custom list-unsubscribe header

General availability

Adding a custom list-unsubscribe header to your email messaging allows your recipients to opt-out. This way, you can add your own configured one-click unsubscribe endpoint and an optional “mailto:”. Braze requires an input for URL to support a custom list-unsubscribe header because the one-click unsubscribe HTTP is a requirement from Yahoo and Gmail for bulk senders.

Multiple pages for in-app messages

Early access

Adding pages to your in-app message lets you guide users through a sequential flow, like an onboarding flow or welcome journey. You can manage pages from the Pages section of the Build tab.

Randomize paths for an experiment path

To always randomize path assignment for an Experiment Path step, select Randomized Paths in Experiment Paths in the step. This option is not available when using either Winning or Personalized Paths.

Email capture form

Email capture messages allow you to easily prompt users of your site to submit their email address, after which it will be available in their user profile for use in all your messaging campaigns.

SDK updates

The following SDK updates have been released. Breaking updates are listed below; all other updates can be found by checking the corresponding SDK changelogs.

February 6, 2024 release

Braze privacy manifest

Braze has released our own privacy manifest, along with new flexible APIs that automatically reroute declared tracking data to dedicated -tracking endpoints. For more information, see the Braze privacy manifest.

Google is updating their EU User Consent Policy in response to changes to the Digital Markets Act (DMA), which goes into effect March 6, 2024. This new change requires advertisers to disclose certain information to their EEA and UK end users, as well as obtain necessary consents from them. As part of this upcoming change, you can collect both consent signals in Braze as custom attributes. Braze will sync the data from these custom attributes to the appropriate consent fields in Google.

Data flexibility

Google Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) API

General availability

You now can migrate from Google’s deprecated Cloud Messaging API to their fully-supported Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) API.

Braze Cloud Data Ingestion (CDI) endpoints

General availability

Use Braze CDI endpoints to:

Braze Cloud Data Ingestion (CDI) support for Databricks

Braze CDI support for catalogs is now available for Databricks sources.

Manual Swift SDK integration

We added the Manual integration article to the integration guides to describe how to manually integrate the Swift SDK without the use of a package manager.


On January 11, 2024, Braze stopped serving messages and collecting data from Windows apps and Baidu apps.

Unlocking creativity

SQL Segment Extensions use cases

The SQL Segment Extensions use cases library contains tested queries for SQL Segment Extensions that you can use for inspiration when creating your own SQL queries.

Robust channels

Custom Code blocks

General availability

Custom Code blocks allow you to add, edit, or delete HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for an in-app message.

Reduce payload size of push notifications

The new help article Notification Payload Size provides some tips to reduce the payload size of your push notifications if you’re unable to launch a campaign or Canvas step due to push payload size limits.

Add BCC addresses to your campaign or Canvas

General availability

You can append a BCC address to an email message. This will send an identical copy of the message your user receives to your BCC inbox. This allows you to retain copies of messages you sent your users for compliance requirements or customer support issues.

Using a list-unsubscribe header allows your recipients to unsubscribe with one click from marketing emails by displaying an Unsubscribe button within the mailbox UI, and not the message body.

New Braze partnerships

Criteo - Canvas Audience Sync

Using the Braze Audience Sync to Criteo, brands can elect to add user data from their own Braze integration to Criteo customer lists to deliver advertisements based upon behavioral triggers, segmentation and more. Any criteria you’d normally use to trigger a message (push, email, SMS, webhook, etc.) in a Braze Canvas based upon your user data can now be used to trigger an ad to that user in your Criteo customer lists.

Movable Ink - Dynamic content

The Movable Ink Customer Data API integration allows marketers to activate customer event data stored in Braze to generate personalized content within Movable Ink.

Scuba Analytics - Analytics

Scuba Analytics is a full-stack, machine-learning-powered data collaboration platform designed for high-velocity time-series data. Scuba allows you to selectively export users (also called actors) and load them into your Braze platform. In Scuba, custom actor properties are used to analyze behavioral trends, activate your data across various platforms, and conduct predictive modeling using machine learning.

SDK updates

The following SDK updates have been released. Breaking updates are listed below; all other updates can be found by checking the corresponding SDK changelogs.

  • Expo Plugin 2.0.0
    • Bumps the iOS minimum platform version to 13.4, per the Expo SDK 50 requirements.
    • This version requires version 8.3.0+ of the Braze React Native SDK to fully support Expo SDK 50.
  • React Native SDK 8.3.0
  • Unity SDK 5.1.0
  • Android SDK 30.0.0
    • WebViews used for In-App Messages have been updated to use WebViewAssetLoader.
      • WebSettings.allowFileAccess is now set to false in InAppMessageHtmlBaseView and BrazeWebViewActivity.
      • If you are using your own InAppMessageWebViewClient or InAppMessageHtmlBaseView, please compare them against the original classes to make sure you’re implementation is correctly loading the assets.
      • If you are not using custom classes, everything will work as before.
  • Braze Swift SDK 6.6.2
  • Braze Swift SDK 7.6.0
  • Xamarin SDK Version 3.0.0
    • The NuGet package has been renamed from AppboyPlatformXamariniOSBinding to BrazePlatform.BrazeiOSBinding.
      • To use the updated package, replace any instances of using AppboyPlatformXamariniOSBinding; with: using Braze;
    • This version requires using .NET 6+ and removes support for projects using the Xamarin framework. See Microsoft’s policy around the end of support for Xamarin.
    • Updated the Android binding from Braze Android SDK 26.3.2 to 29.0.1.
  • Xamarin SDK 4.0.0
    • This version updates the iOS binding to use the Braze Swift SDK. Most iOS public APIs have changed, please refer to our migration guide (Swift) for guidance about replacement to use. We provide compatibility bindings to keep making use of the old public APIs.
      • The iOS binding is now composed of multiple modules:
        • BrazeKit: Main SDK library providing support for analytics and push notifications (nuget: Braze.iOS.BrazeKit).
        • BrazeUI: Braze-provided user interface library for In-App Messages and Content Cards (nuget: Braze.iOS.BrazeUI).
        • BrazeLocation: Location library providing support for location analytics and geofence monitoring (nuget: Braze.iOS.BrazeLocation).
        • BrazeKitCompat: Compatibility library with support for pre-4.0.0 APIs (nuget: Braze.iOS.BrazeKitCompat).
        • BrazeUICompat: Compatibility library with support for pre-4.0.0 UI APIs (nuget: Braze.iOS.BrazeUICompat).
      • Refer to the BrazeiOSMauiSampleApp for the new integration, and to BrazeiOSMauiCompatSampleApp for usage of the compatibility modules.
    • Updated the iOS binding to the Braze Swift SDK 7.6.0.
    • The iOS binding requires using .NET 7 for compatibility with Xcode 15.
  • Xamarin SDK 4.0.1

January 9, 2024 release

Updated Shopify integration documentation

We’ve updated sections of our Braze and Shopify integration documentation, including:

Data flexibility

Back-in-stock notifications for catalogs

Early access

Using a combination of back-in-stock notifications through catalogs and a Canvas, you can notify customers when an item is back-in-stock. Any time a customer performs a selected custom event, they can be automatically subscribed to be notified when the item is replenished.

Catalog segments

Early access

Catalog segments are an audience of users based on catalog data in SQL Segment Extensions. These SQL Segment Extensions can be referenced in a segment and then targeted by campaigns and Canvases. Catalog segments use SQL to join data from catalogs and data from custom events or purchases. To do so, you must have a common identifier field across your catalogs and your custom events or purchases.

Migrating to the Firebase Cloud Messaging API

Early access

Learn how to migrate from Google’s deprecated Cloud Messaging API to their fully-supported Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) API.

SDK updates

The following SDK updates have been released. Breaking updates are listed below; all other updates can be found by checking the corresponding SDK changelogs.

  • Swift SDK 7.5.0
    • Adds privacy manifests for BrazeKit and BrazeLocation to describe Braze’s data collection policies. For more details, refer to Apple’s documentation on privacy manifests. More configurations to manage your data collection practices will be made available in a future release.
    • Fixes an issue with the code signatures of XCFrameworks introduced in 7.1.0.
  • Web SDK v5.1.0
  • Unity SDK 5.0.0
    • Updated the native iOS bridge from Braze Swift SDK 6.1.0 to 7.4.0.
      • The iOS repository link now points to the prebuilt dynamic XCFrameworks from this repository.
    • Updated the native Android bridge from Braze Android SDK 27.0.1 to 29.0.1.
    • AppboyBinding.GetFeatureFlag(string id) will now return null if the feature flag does not exist.
    • FEATURE_FLAGS_UPDATED will only trigger when a refresh request completes with success or failure, and upon initial subscription if there was previously cached data from the current session.

New Stuff!