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July 25, 2023 release

Canvas approval

The new Canvas approval workflow setting adds a review process prior to launching a new Canvas. Note that this feature is turned off by default, giving you control over its implementation. Explore more details about activating this workflow in Canvas approvals and permissions.

Feature flags in Canvas

Feature flags allow you to experiment and confirm your hypotheses around new features by turning them off and on for different sections of your user base. The new feature flag component in Canvas allows you to segment your audience in a Canvas based on whether a feature flag is on or off for a user. Moreover, Experiment Paths allow you optimize these conversions by testing different messages or paths against each other and determining which is most effective. See the feature flag overview for information about feature flags generally, or learn more about using feature flags in Canvas.

Managing Segments article

The new Managing Segments article covers the actions you can take to configure your segments, such as filtering a list of segments, creating segments, and editing segments.

Row component Content Block

You can now save a row component as a Content Block that can then be used in all email campaigns and email messages in a Canvas. For more information on drag-and-drop Content Blocks, refer to Content Blocks.

Sage AI

Sage AI by Braze powers a collection of accessible, easy-to-use tools that lower the barriers to entry for creativity, personalization and optimization for your engagement strategy. Learn more about our Sage AI features and capabilities in our documentation.

Updating a user profile by phone number

Using the /users/track endpoint, you can update a user profile using their phone number.

Whitespace after email preheader

The new Add whitespace after preheader checkbox hides the text or HTML of the email body in the email preheader. Learn more about adding email headers in Creating an email.

SDK updates

The following SDK updates have been released. Breaking updates are listed below; all other updates can be found by checking the corresponding SDK changelogs.

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