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In-app messaging integration

This article covers how to set up a iOS, Android, and FireOS in-app messages for the Xamarin platform.


See the Android integration instructions for information on how to integrate in-app messages into your Xamarin Android app. Furthermore, you can look at the sample application for implementation samples.


In-app messages will work by default if you’ve included the Appboy.bundle folder in your application. On Xamarin we don’t currently support in-app message custom styling. If you want to customize your in-app message UI, implement the ABKInAppMessageControllerDelegate method ABKInAppMessageViewController InAppMessageViewControllerWithInAppMessage(ABKInAppMessage inAppMessage); and return your custom view controller. That will make sure Braze passes you the in-app message object rather than displaying it for you. You will then have the option of displaying the in-app message object’s content manually.

See the iOS integration instructions for information on In-app best practices. Furthermore, you can look at the sample application for implementation samples.

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