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Content Card integration

This article covers how to set up Content Cards for your Flutter app.

The Braze SDK includes a default card feed to get you started with Content Cards. To show the card feed, you can use the braze.launchContentCards() method. The default card feed included with the Braze SDK will handle all analytics tracking, dismissals, and rendering for a user’s Content Cards.


You can use these additional methods to build a custom Content Cards Feed within your app by using the following methods available on the plugin public interface:

Method Description
braze.requestContentCardsRefresh() Requests the latest Content Cards from the Braze SDK server.
braze.logContentCardClicked(contentCard) Logs a click for the given Content Card object.
braze.logContentCardImpression(contentCard) Logs an impression for the given Content Card object.
braze.logContentCardDismissed(contentCard) Logs a dismissal for the given Content Card object.

Receiving Content Card data

To receive Content Card data in your Flutter app, the BrazePlugin supports sending Content Card data by using Dart Streams.

The BrazeContentCard object supports a subset of fields available in the native model objects, including description, title, image, url, extras, and more.

Step 1: Listen for Content Card data in the Dart layer

To receive to the content card data in the Dart layer, use the code below to create a StreamSubscription and call braze.subscribeToContentCards(). Remember to cancel() the stream subscription when it is no longer needed.

// Create stream subscription
StreamSubscription contentCardsStreamSubscription;

contentCardsStreamSubscription = braze.subscribeToContentCards((List<BrazeContentCard> contentCards) {
  // Handle Content Cards

// Cancel stream subscription

For an example, see main.dart in our sample app.

Step 2: Forward Content Card data from the native layer

To receive the data in the Dart layer from step 1, add the following code to forward the Content Card data from the native layers.

The Content Card data is automatically forwarded from the Android layer.

  1. Implement contentCards.subscribeToUpdates to subscribe to content cards updates as described in the subscribeToUpdates documentation.

  2. Your contentCards.subscribeToUpdates callback implementation must call BrazePlugin.processContentCards(contentCards).

For an example, see AppDelegate.swift in our sample app.

Replaying the callback for Content Cards

To store any Content Cards triggered before the callback is available and replay them after it is set, add the following entry to the customConfigs map when initializing the BrazePlugin:

BrazePlugin braze = new BrazePlugin(customConfigs: {replayCallbacksConfigKey: true});

Test displaying sample Content Card

Follow these steps to test a sample Content Card.

  1. Set an active user in the React application by calling braze.changeUserId('your-user-id') method.
  2. Head to Campaigns and follow this guide to create a new Content Card campaign.
  3. Compose your test Content Card campaign and head over to the Test tab. Add the same user-id as the test user and click Send Test.
  4. Tap the push notification and that should launch a Content Card on your device. You may need to refresh your feed for it to display.

A Braze Content Card campaign showing you can add your own user ID as a test recipient to test your Content Card.

For more details on each platform, follow the Android integration or iOS integration guides.

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