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April 2021

iOS push advanced implementation guide

This detailed guide covers how to leverage push notification content app extensions to get the most out of your push messages. Included are three custom use cases built by our team (interactive push, data capture push, and progress-based push), accompanying code snippets, and guidance on logging analytics. Check out the iOS push advanced implementation guide to learn more.

VFC support for multimedia message service (MMS)

vCards, also known as Virtual Contact Files (VCF), are a standardized file format for sending business/contact information that can be easily imported into address/contact books. These VFC files can now be sent through MMS and added to the Braze media library.

Updates to user delete

In October 2020, we made improvements to how our user delete handles data subject’s phone number or email address.

New Braze partnerships

Airbridge - Attribution

The Airbridge and Braze integration allow you to pass all organic and non-organic install attribution data to Braze to build more personalized marketing campaigns and understand exactly where users were acquired.

Kubit - Analytics

Kubit is a no-code, self-service analytics platform that delivers instant product insights. Through the seamless no-code integration with Braze, you can import user Cohort information into Braze and launch engagement campaigns to target specific Cohorts. In addition, through the use of Snowflake Secure Data Sharing, you can integrate the raw campaign and impression data from Braze with product analytics in Kubit to measure the impact of these campaigns in real-time.

Census - Customer data platform

Census allows you to keep your customer success, sales, and marketing teams all on the same page by keeping your customer data in sync, all without ongoing help from your engineering department.

Treasure Data - Customer data platform

Treasure Data helps drive relevant customer experiences by harmonizing data, insights, and engagement to work in perfect unison. Armed with actionable indicators, CX Teams, including marketing, sales, and customer service can effectively optimize spend, and personalize omnichannel interactions across the entire customer journey.

Jacquard - A/B testing

Braze customer engagement develops relationships through multichannel marketing. Working together with Jacquard, Braze can deploy brand language, at scale, across channels that are customized to your brand voice. Jacquard’s deep learning engine handles the testing, monitors the results, and generates new language based on what it’s learned.

New Stuff!