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User attributes object

An API request with any fields in the attributes object will create or update an attribute of that name with the given value on the specified user profile.

Use Braze user profile field names (listed as follows or any listed in the section for Braze user profile fields) to update those special values on the user profile in the dashboard or add your own custom attribute data to the user.

Object body

  // One of "external_id" or "user_alias" or "braze_id" or "email" or "phone" is required
  "external_id" : (optional, string) see external user ID,
  "user_alias" : (optional, User alias object),
  "braze_id" : (optional, string) Braze user identifier,
  "email": (optional, string) User email address,
  "phone": (optional, string) User phone number,
  // Setting this flag to true will put the API in "Update Only" mode.
  // When using a "user_alias", "Update Only" defaults to true.
  "_update_existing_only" : (optional, boolean),
  // See note regarding anonymous push token imports
  "push_token_import" : (optional, boolean),
  // Braze User Profile Fields
  "first_name" : "Jon",
  "email" : "[email protected]",
  // Custom Attributes
  "my_custom_attribute" : value,
  "my_custom_attribute_2" : {"inc" : int_value},
  "my_array_custom_attribute":[ "Value1", "Value2" ],
  // Adding a new value to an array custom attribute
  "my_array_custom_attribute" : { "add" : ["Value3"] },
  // Removing a value from an array custom attribute
  "my_array_custom_attribute" : { "remove" : [ "Value1" ]},

To remove a profile attribute, set it to null. Some fields, such as external_id and user_alias cannot be removed after they’re added to a user profile.

Update existing profiles only

If you wish to update only existing user profiles in Braze, you should pass the _update_existing_only key with a value of true within the body of your request. If this value is omitted, Braze will create a new user profile if the external_id does not already exist.

Push token import

Before you import push tokens to Braze, double check if you need to. When the Braze SDKs are put in place, they handle push tokens automatically with no need to upload them through the API.

If you do find you need to upload them through the API, they can either be uploaded for identified users or anonymous users. This means that either an external_id needs to present, or the anonymous users must have the push_token_import flag set to true.

When specifying push_token_import as true:

  • external_id and braze_id should not be specified
  • The attribute object must contain a push token
  • If the token already exists in Braze, the request is ignored; otherwise, Braze will create a temporary, anonymous user profile for each token to enable you to continue to message these individuals

After import, as each user launches the Braze-enabled version of your app, Braze will automatically move their imported push token to their Braze user profile and clean up the temporary profile.

Braze will check once a month to find any anonymous profile with the push_token_import flag that doesn’t have a push token. If the anonymous profile no longer has a push token, we will delete the profile. However, if the anonymous profile still has a push token, suggesting that the actual user has yet to login to the device with said push token, we will do nothing.

For more information, refer to Migrating push tokens.

Custom attribute data types

The following data types can be stored as a custom attribute:

Data Type Notes
Arrays Custom attribute arrays are supported. Adding an element to a custom attribute array appends the element to the end of the array, unless it’s already present, in which case it gets moved from its current position to the end of the array.

For example, if an array ['hotdog','hotdog','hotdog','pizza'] were imported, it will show in the array attribute as ['hotdog', 'pizza'] because only unique values are supported.

In addition to setting the values of an array by saying something like "my_array_custom_attribute":[ "Value1", "Value2" ] you may add to existing arrays by doing something like "my_array_custom_attribute" : { "add" : ["Value3"] }, or remove values from an array by doing something like "my_array_custom_attribute" : { "remove" : [ "Value1" ]}

The maximum number of elements in custom attribute arrays defaults to 25, but can be increased up to 100 for an individual array. For more information, see Arrays.
Array of objects Array of objects allows you to define a list of objects where each object contains a set of attributes. This can be useful if you need to store multiple sets of related data for a user, such as hotel stays, purchase history, or preferences.

For example, you can define a custom attribute on a user profile named hotel_stays. This custom attribute can be defined as an array where each object represents a separate stay, with attributes such as hotel_name, check_in_date, nights_stayed. For more details, see this example.
Booleans true or false
Dates Must be stored in the ISO 8601 format or in any of the following formats:
- yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss:SSSZ
- yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- yyyy-MM-dd
- MM/dd/yyyy
- ddd MM dd HH:mm:ss.TZD YYYY

Note that “T” is a time designator, not a placeholder, and should not be changed or removed.

Time attributes without a time zone will default to Midnight UTC (and will be formatted on the dashboard as the equivalent of Midnight UTC in the company’s time zone).

Events with timestamps in the future will default to the current time.

For regular custom attributes, if the year is less than 0 or greater than 3000, Braze stores these values as strings on the user.
Floats Float custom attributes are positive or negative numbers with a decimal point. For example, you can use floats to store account balances or user ratings for products or services.
Integers Integer custom attributes may be incremented by positive or negative integers by assigning them an object with the field “inc” and the value by which you want to increment them.

Example: "my_custom_attribute_2" : {"inc" : int_value},
Nested custom attributes Nested custom attributes define a set of attributes as a property of another attribute. When you define a custom attribute object, you define a set of additional attributes for that object. For more information, refer to Nested custom attributes.
Strings String custom attributes are sequences of characters used to store text data. For example, you can use strings to store first and last names, email addresses, or preferences.
Array of objects example

This array of objects allows you to create segments based on specific criteria within the stays, and personalize your messages using the data from each stay with Liquid templates.

"hotel_stays": [
  { "hotel_name": "Ocean View Resort", "check_in_date": "2023-06-15", "nights_stayed": 5 },
  { "hotel_name": "Mountain Lodge", "check_in_date": "2023-09-10", "nights_stayed": 3 }

Braze user profile fields

User Profile Field Data Type Specification
alias_name (string)
alias_label (string)
braze_id (string, optional) When a user profile is recognized by the SDK, an anonymous user profile is created with an associated braze_id. The braze_id is automatically assigned by Braze, cannot be edited, and is device-specific.
country (string) We require that country codes be passed to Braze in the ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 standard. Our API will make a best effort to map countries received in different formats. For example, “Australia” may map to “AU”. However, if the input doesn’t match a given ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 standard, the country value will be set to NULL.

Setting country on a user by CSV import or API will prevent Braze from automatically capturing this information through the SDK.
current_location (object) Of the form {“longitude”: -73.991443, “latitude”: 40.753824}
date_of_first_session (date at which the user first used the app) String in ISO 8601 format or in any of the following formats:
- yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss:SSSZ
- yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- yyyy-MM-dd
- MM/dd/yyyy
- ddd MM dd HH:mm:ss.TZD YYYY
date_of_last_session (date at which the user last used the app) String in ISO 8601 format or in any of the following formats:
- yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss:SSSZ
- yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- yyyy-MM-dd
- MM/dd/yyyy
- ddd MM dd HH:mm:ss.TZD YYYY
dob (date of birth) String in format “YYYY-MM-DD”, for example, 1980-12-21.
email (string)
email_subscribe (string) Available values are “opted_in” (explicitly registered to receive email messages), “unsubscribed” (explicitly opted out of email messages), and “subscribed” (neither opted in nor out).
email_open_tracking_disabled (boolean) true or false accepted. Set to true to disable the open tracking pixel from being added to all future emails sent to this user.
email_click_tracking_disabled (boolean) true or false accepted. Set to true to disable the click tracking for all links within a future email, sent to this user.
external_id (string) A unique identifier for a user profile. After assigned an external_id, the user profile is identified across a user’s devices. On the first instance of assigning an external_id to an unknown user profile, all existing user profile data will be migrated to the new user profile.
facebook hash containing any of id (string), likes (array of strings), num_friends (integer).
first_name (string)
gender (string) “M”, “F”, “O” (other), “N” (not applicable), “P” (prefer not to say) or nil (unknown).
home_city (string)
language (string) we require that language be passed to Braze in the ISO-639-1 standard. For supported languages, see our list of accepted languages.

Setting language on a user by CSV import or API will prevent Braze from automatically capturing this information through the SDK.
last_name (string)
marked_email_as_spam_at (string) Date at which the user’s email was marked as spam. Appears in ISO 8601 format or in any of the following formats:
- yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss:SSSZ
- yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
- yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
- yyyy-MM-dd
- MM/dd/yyyy
- ddd MM dd HH:mm:ss.TZD YYYY
phone (string) We recommend providing phone numbers in the E.164 format. For details, refer to User phone numbers.
push_subscribe (string) Available values are “opted_in” (explicitly registered to receive push messages), “unsubscribed” (explicitly opted out of push messages), and “subscribed” (neither opted in nor out).
push_tokens Array of objects with app_id and token string. You may optionally provide a device_id for the device this token is associated with, for example, [{"app_id": App Identifier, "token": "abcd", "device_id": "optional_field_value"}]. If a device_id is not provided, one will be randomly generated.
subscription_groups Array of objects with subscription_group_id and subscription_state string, for example, [{"subscription_group_id" : "subscription_group_identifier", "subscription_state" : "subscribed"}]. Available values for subscription_state are “subscribed” and “unsubscribed”.
time_zone (string) Of time zone name from IANA Time Zone Database (for example, “America/New_York” or “Eastern Time (US & Canada)”). Only valid time zone values will be set.
twitter Hash containing any of id (integer), screen_name (string, X (formerly Twitter) handle), followers_count (integer), friends_count (integer), statuses_count (integer).

Language values that are explicitly set through this API will take precedence over the locale information Braze automatically receives from the device.

User attribute example request

This example contains two user attribute objects with the allowed 75 requests per API call.

POST https://YOUR_REST_API_URL/users/track
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR-REST-API-KEY
  "attributes" : [
      "external_id" : "user1",
      "first_name" : "Jon",
      "has_profile_picture" : true,
      "dob": "1988-02-14",
      "music_videos_favorited" : { "add" : [ "calvinharris-summer" ], "remove" : ["nickiminaj-anaconda"] }
      "external_id" : "user2",
      "first_name" : "Jill",
      "has_profile_picture" : false,
      "push_tokens": [{"app_id": "Your App Identifier", "token": "abcd", "device_id": "optional_field_value"}]

      "user_alias" : { "alias_name" : "device123", "alias_label" : "my_device_identifier"},
      "first_name" : "Alice",
      "has_profile_picture" : false
      "external_id": "user3",
      "subscription_groups" : [{"subscription_group_id" : "subscription_group_identifier", "subscription_state" : "subscribed"}]
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