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Dynamic code generation

A coupon code is a unique code that can be used by a single user (either single or multiple use). The Punchh framework generates coupon codes, which can be processed within a mobile app or at the point-of-sale (POS) system.

Using the Punchh coupon framework and Braze, you can achieve the following scenarios:

  • Generate a coupon code when the guest clicks a coupon generation link in an email: The coupon code will be generated dynamically and shown on a web page.
  • Generate a coupon code when the guest opens an email: The coupon code will be generated dynamically and shown as an image within the email.

How to integrate Punchh dynamic coupon code generation

Step 1: Create a coupon campaign in Punchh

  1. Using a Punchh coupon campaign, create a dynamic generation coupon campaign as shown in the following image.
  2. The Punchh coupon framework will generate the following parameters to enable dynamic coupon generation:
    • Dynamic coupon generation token: This is a system-generated security token for encryption.
    • Dynamic coupon generation URL: This URL will be embedded in the email as a link or image, as required by the business.

The form for creating a coupon campagin in Punchh.

Step 2: Generate signature and construct URL

The JWT.IO library decodes, verifies, and generates JSON web tokens, an open, industry-standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties.

The following ClaimType names can be used to ensure the uniqueness of guests and coupons:

  • email: represents the user’s email address.
  • campaign_id: represents the system-generated Punchh campaign ID.
  • first_name: captures the user’s first name.
  • last_name: captures the user’s last name.

To use the Punchh dynamic coupon code API, a JWT Token must be constructed. Add the following Liquid template to your Braze dashboard in the message body of the channel you’d like to use:

{% capture header %}{"alg":"HS256","typ":"JWT"}{% endcapture %}

{% capture payload %}{"campaign_id":"CAMPAIGN_ID","email":"{{${email_address}}}","first_name":"{{${first_name}}}","last_name":"{{${last_name}}}"}{% endcapture %}

{% capture signature_structure %}{{header | base64_encode}}.{{payload | base64_encode | remove: '='}}{% endcapture %}


{% assign final_signature = {{signature_structure | hmac_sha256_base64: secret}} %}

{% capture jwt %}{{signature_structure}}.{{final_signature | remove: '='}}{% endcapture %}

Replace the following:

Placeholder Description
SERVER_NAME The name of your server.
DYNAMIC_COUPON_GENERATION_TOKEN Your dynamic coupon generation token.
CAMPAIGN_ID Your campaign ID.

Step 3: Append coupon code to message body

To link to a Puncch-hosted web page, add the following snippet to your message body.


Replace the following:

Placeholder Description
SERVER_NAME The name of your server.
DYNAMIC_COUPON_GENERATION_TOKEN Your dynamic coupon generation token.

When a user clicks the coupon URL, they’ll be redirected to a Punchh-hosted web page, where their generated coupon will be displayed.

Example confirmation message after a user successfully generates a coupon code.

Extract code via JSON as plain text

To return a JSON response, add .json before the sign query parameter of the Punchh URL as shown in the following snippet:


Replace the following:

Placeholder Description
SERVER_NAME The name of your server.
DYNAMIC_COUPON_GENERATION_TOKEN Your dynamic coupon generation token.

You could then leverage Connected Content to insert the code as plain text into any message body. For example:

{% connected_content{{jwt}} :save punchh_coupon %}

To link the coupon code inside an image, add the following snippet to your message body:

<img src="{{jwt}}">`

Replace the following:

Placeholder Description
SERVER_NAME The name of your server.
DYNAMIC_COUPON_GENERATION_TOKEN Your dynamic coupon generation token.

Your output will be similar to the following:

Rendered output of the coupon code image tag.

Associated error messages

Error code Error message Description
coupon_code_expired This promo code has expired The code is used after its configured expiration date.
coupon_code_success Congratulations, Promo Code Applied Successfully. The code is used successfully.
coupon_code_error Please enter a valid promo code The code used is invalid.
coupon_code_type_error Incorrect coupon type. This coupon can only be redeemed at %{coupon_type}. When a code supposed to be used at the POS is used in the Mobile app, this error will occur.
usage_exceeded The usage for this coupon code’s campaign is full. Please try next time. The usage of the code exceeds the number of users allowed to use it. For example, if the dashboard configuration allows a code to be used by 3,000 users and the number of users exceeds 3,000, this error will occur.
usage_exceeded_by_guest This promo code has already been processed. The usage of the code by a user exceeds the number of times a user can use it. For example, the dashboard configuration allows a single code to be used three times by a user. If it is used more than that, this error will occur.
already_used_by_other_guest This promo code has already been used by some other guest. Another user has already used the code.
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